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Winter 1994 Vol.57, No.3
The St. Peter Street Bridge is located in
downtown St. Paul, Minn., and is one of
the connecting links between the
downtown area and the state capitol
complex. It spans the Interstate 35E and
Interstate 94 commons area. The
structure consists of seven spans.
The National Highway System 1
Applied Research and Technology: New Guidelines for Accelerating the Use of Innovative
Technology by the Highway Industry by Richard A. McComb and Daniel F Larson 5
Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center by Louis Colucci and Robert Bryant 9
Modeling of Geotextiles and Other Membranes in the Prevention of Reflection Cracking
in Asphaltic Resurfacing by Luis F Da Silva and Juan A. Confré 12
HYSIM: the Next Best Thing to Being on the Road by Elizabeth Alicandri 19
FHWA’s Implementation Plan for SHRP Products by Charles J. Churilla 24
Environmental Research: Helping Highways Improve the Quality of Life by Ginny Finch 30
Looking for a Few Good IDEAs by K. Thirumalai 32
The National Quality Initiative by Donald Tuggle 33
Along the Road 36
New Research 43
Recent Publications 46
Technology Applications 49
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federico Pefia, Secretary
Federal Highway Administration
Rodney E. Slater, Administrator
Office of Research and Development
John A. Clements, Associate Administrator
Anne N. Barsanti, Managing Editor
Robert V. Bryant, Editor
Kevin C. Kerdash, Associate Editor
Nita Congress, Contributing Editor
Publication Board
RE. Slater, EB. Francois, T.B. Deen, H. Bernstein
Editorial Board
E.D. Carlson, J.A. Clements, GJ. Jeff, D.C. Judycki,
A.R. Kane, GS. Moore, G.L. Reagle, D.S. Gendell,
RJ. Betsold, RJ. Kreklau
The United States Government does not endorse
products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’
names appear herein solely because they are consid-
ered essential to the object of an article.
Public Roads (ISSN 0033-3735; USPS 516-690) is published quarterly by the
Office of Research and Development, Federal Highway Adoainistenten
(FHWA), 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590. Second class postage
paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Public Roads, HRD-10, FHWA,
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Articles written by private individuals contain the personal views of the
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All photographs are provided by FHWA unless otherwise credited.
Contents of this publication may be reprinted. Mention of source is requested. ©
‘ational Highway System
Backbone of Our National Transportation Network
This article is adapted from a
speech delivered by Federal
Highway Administrator
Rodney E. Slater on December 9,
1993, and from materials pro-
vided by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) Office of
Program Development and the
US. Department of Transporta-
tion (DOT) Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Public Affairs.
On December 9, 1993, at Union
Station in Washington, D.C, US.
DOT Secretary Federico Pefia and
FHWA Administrator Slater an-
nounced the submission of the
National Highway System (NHS)
plan to Congress. Pefia also out-
lined his principles and goals for a
National Transportation System
“Union Station serves as a fitting
backdrop for the unveiling of the
National Highway System,” said
Slater. “Just outside the station,
Louisiana Avenue is part of the
National Highway System—
demonstrating how the National
Highway System can provide links
among the many modes that make
up our transportation network. In
fact, the National Highway System
enhances the other modes by
linking them.
“This is perhaps the most
important event I will have the
opportunity to participate in as
your Federal Highway Administra-
tor, because the National Highway
System is going to be the back-
bone of our national transporta-
tion network in the 21st century.
It’s going to affect every American,
directly or indirectly ..
“In the landmark Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act of 1991, known as ISTEA,
Congress called on the Depart-
ment of Transportation to submit
a proposal identifying the routes
that will be included in the
National Highway System.
“The proposed National High-
way System consists of nearly
159,000 miles of the most impor-
tant roads in the United States.
“To put this in perspective, a
National Highway System of this
scale would include only four
percent of the 3.9 million miles of
our public roads. Nevertheless, the
National Highway System will
carry over 40 percent of the
nation’s highway traffic, carrying
people and goods.
“That’s strategic investment.”
The United States spends nearly
$1 trillion a year—17 percent of our
gross domestic product—on
transportation services. A 1-percent
improvement in the overall
efficiency of America’s transporta-
tion system would translate into
nearly $100 billion in savings
across the economy within a
On February 19, 1991, FHWA
submitted an illustrative map of a
proposed NHS to the House
Committee on Public Works and
Transportation and to the Senate
Committee on Environment and
Public Works. ISTEA directed DOT
to use the illustrative system as
the starting point for a report to
Congress in two years, identifying
highways proposed to be desig-
nated as part of a 155,000-mile NHS
(plus or minus 15 percent). The
approved elements of NHS are the
interstate system, high-priority
corridors identified in ISTEA, the
Strategic Highway Network and its
connectors, and selected principal
Following enactment of ISTEA,
FHWA worked with state and
local officials and the Department
of Defense to prepare recommen-
dations. A nationwide functional
classification of the nation’s roads,
conducted by FHWA and state and
local officials and completed in
early 1993, identified all principal
arterials. The state transportation
departments then worked with
local officials to develop recom-
mendations on which principal
arterials should be included in
NHS. FHWA also worked with
other DOT agencies to identify
airport, maritime, port, rail, and
transit facilities that were suffi-
ciently important to be illustrated
in the NHS report.
Under ISTEA, congressional
approval of NHS is required by
September 30, 1995. Since the
enactment of ISTEA, the states
have been able to use NHS fund-
ing on any road classified as a
principal arterial. Following
congressional approval, funding
will be limited to routes in NHS.
With completion of the NHS
report to Congress, DOT is taking
the next important step by launch-
ing an effort to develop the
National Transportation System.
“A comprehensive National
Transportation System will help us
meet the challenges of the
21st century global economy by
enhancing all our different modes
of transportation and their links—
increasing the efficiency and
productivity of our nation,” Pefia
NTS will incorporate from all
the modes the most significant
elements of the nation’s transpor-
tation systems. Beginning with
NHS, NTS will include airports,
ports, waterways, rail, intercity bus
lines, pipelines, and local transit
systems with regional and national
impact. NTS will also include
systems moving both people and
freight as well as facilities owned
Page 1
of Transportation. It totals about
15,700 miles. Based on the most
recent information, including plans
for base closures, these corridors
and the interstate system have
been identified by the Department
by both private business and the “The second component in-
public sector. cludes 21 congressionally desig-
NHS is the core of the future nated high-priority corridors as
NTS. identified in the ISTEA. These
Slater explained NHS in detail: corridors total 4,500 miles.
“The first component of the “The third component is the
proposed National Highway non-interstate portion of the
System is the 45,000-mile interstate Strategic Highway Corridor hy
system, which accounts for nearly Network (STRAHNET), identified
30 percent of the proposed system by the Department of Defense in
mileage. cooperation with the Department
Proposed ;
NHS Rural
ALASKA 1,489
IDAHO 2,207
IOWA 2,731
KANSAS 3,391
NEVADA 1,941
NEW YORK 2,673
OHIO 2,876
OREGON 3,224
TEXAS 8,771
UTAH 1,786
System Extent
Rital Mileage soe ere te ee ees
Drbatr Mileage ee
Total: Mileage 0s a eee eae
118,834 (75%)
39,840 (25%)
Required Components
INTETSta le SY SICI eta eect ee
Strategic Highway Network
Major Strategic Highway
Network Connectors for 242 Military
Installations re ececice crete ence et enters
Congressional High Priority Corridors
45,376 miles
15,668 miles
1,890 miles
4506 miles
System Characteristics
Full Access Control
NOn-Interstate ROULES ccceccssessene
otal Sss eee nee et ers
44376 miles
7,876 miles
52,252 miles
Jurisdictional Control
State Owned (Estimated)
Other Owned: CEstimated ee Ser a
150,000 miles
9,000 miles
Travel Served
Rural (Percent of total rural vehicle
miles:of: travel) 2s ee ee eee
Urban (Percent of total urban vehicle
miles of travel)
42% (Est.)
40% (Est.)
Intermodal Facilities (Illustrated on maps)
Water Portssce eee ee es Se ee eee ee 104
Airports 143
Amtrak Stations 5s 321
Rail/Trock Termiraise2s 2, ee ee 191
Public Transportation Systems oemmmnmnmnnmnnnnne 319
Border Crossings
With Canada...
With Mexico
Page 2
TOTAL 118,838
of Defense as the most critical
highway links in our transporta-
tion system. As we found during
Desert Storm, highway mobility is
essential to our national defense
by giving us the ability to move
2ercent of
otal Rural
§ 2.6%
1 4.0%
1 3.5%
| 4.0%
1 2.2%
) 3.7%
1 4.3%
| 3.8%
Travel Rural
Percent of
Total Travel
troops and equipment to airports,
to ports, to rail lines, and to other
bases for rapid deployment.
“The fourth component is major
Strategic Highway Corridor
Network connectors. They consist
NHS Urban
ve Wey
Percent of
Total Urban
of 1,900 miles of roads linking
major military installations and
other defense-related facilities to
Travel Urban
the STRAHNET corridors.
“Collectively, these four compo-
Percent of
Urban Travel
nents—all specifically required by
Total NHS
Page 3
ISTEA—account for 67,500 miles or
roughly 43 percent of the pro-
posed system.
“The remainder of the proposed
system—totalling 91,000 miles—is
made up of other important
arterial highways that serve
interstate and interregional travel
and that provide connections to
major ports, airports, public
transportation facilities, and other
intermodal facilities ...
“Like so much that is important
about ISTEA, the National High-
way System is a flexible concept ...
The National Highway System will
not be another interstate system.
Beyond the interstate portion, the
National Highway System is
mostly two-lane roads today and
will likely remain that way.
“In fact, virtually all of the
National Highway System is exist-
ing mileage. Less than 2 percent is
new mileage, and that’s because
it’s already in state plans.
“The advantage of the National
Highway System concept is that it
will encourage state transportation
agencies to focus on a limited
number of high priority routes for
improvement with federal-aid
funds. These improvements will
address traffic needs safely and
efficiently, generally within
existing rights-of-way ..
“The National Highway System
will also strengthen our links with
Canada and Mexico, especially by
providing some of the vitally
needed north-south connectors.
Today, even before NAFTA (North
American Free Trade Agreement)
Page 4
goes into effect, trucks carry about
80 percent of freight shipments
between the United States and
Mexico and about 60 percent of
freight shipments between the
United States and Canada. When
NAFTA removes trade barriers
next year, as well as barriers to
international trucking operations,
traffic on all modes should in-
crease significantly. The National
Highway System will serve this
traffic efficiently by linking with
the Canadian and Mexican high-
way systems in a high-perfor-
mance network spanning most of
North America.
“The report we are releasing
today stresses the economic
benefits, but let me just outline a
few of them:
e The National Highway System
will provide what our retail,
industrial, and other employers
need—namely, a predictable,
consistent, and reliable delivery
e It will provide low-cost, reliable,
and flexible transportation to
minimize costs, serve plants
geared to just-in-time delivery,
and make our companies more
competitive in the global
“Another economic benefit of
the National Highway System is
that it will help us confront the
problems of traffic congestion by
targeting current and projected
bottlenecks. Whether you're a
shipper, who lives by the principle
that time is money, or a commuter
trying to get to and from work
with a minimum of hassles,
congestion is an economic drain—
estimated at about $40 billion a
year in our major urban areas.
“That’s not even counting the
loss of our peace of mind and
“Safe, efficient operation. That,
in short, is what the National
Highway System is all about!
“Today, we are transmitting our
recommendations to Congress,
which must take the next impor-
tant step—approving the National
Highway System.
“Our report calls for designation
of the proposed National Highway
System routes but also recom-
mends that the Secretary of
Transportation have the authority
to modify the network, at the
request of the states, to meet
changing needs. In addition, we
call for identification—within
2 years—of appropriate intermodal
connections to the National
Highway System.
“ISTEA sets a deadline of
September 30, 1995, for congres-
sional action. But I can assure you
that the president, Secretary Pefia,
and I will be challenging the
Congress to complete action on
this vital transportation advance-
ment long before then.
“Today, the National Highway
System is the next generation—the
next step to continuing the
progress that has made the United
States the most mobile nation in
ne een ——
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New Guidelines for Accelerating
the Use of Innovative Technologies
by the Highway Industry
by Richard A. McComb
and Daniel F. Larson
The need to accelerate the integra-
tion of new technologies into the
US. highway system has increased
dramatically over the past decade
as the Interstate Highway System
has neared completion. Because
Congress recognized the impor-
tance of technology application, it
established the Applied Research
and Technology (ART) Program.
Authorized under section 6005 of
the Intermodal Surface Transporta-
tion Efficiency Act (STEA) of
1991, the ART Program began in
fiscal year 1992 with funding of
$35 million and will receive
$41 million per year in fiscal years
1993 through 1997. As called for in
Federal Highway
Richard A. McComb
Terry Mitchell
Samuel C. Tignor
Charles Niessner
Louis Colucci
Douglas A. Bernard
Robert J. Betsold
Thomas J. Pasko
Federal Transit Administration
John S. Durham (deceased)
L. Gary Byrd
the legislation, the Federal High-
way Administration (FHWA) has
developed guidelines to carry out
the ART Program. The program
and guidelines to carry out part of
the program are summarized in
this article.
The ART Program aims to
identify and promote technologies
that are designed to improve the
durability, efficiency, environmen-
tal effects, productivity, and safety
of highway, transit, and intermodal
transportation systems. Specifically,
it will accelerate testing and
evaluation of new technologies,
both foreign and domestic.
The ART Program, as developed
by FHWA, is composed of three
elements—priority technologies,
testing and evaluation, and
applied research. The ART Pro-
gram elements are summarized in
table 1.
Priority technologies
The priority technologies compo-
nent involves the implementation
and evaluation of technologies
that are specified in the legislation
and other priority new technolo-
gies that have been identified by
FHWA and proposed for partner-
ships through general solicitations.
The three technology areas
specified in ISTEA include:
e Heated bridge technologies.
Projects in this category will
evaluate the costs and benefits
of deck-heating technology on
bridges that may be replaced or
rehabilitated under section 144
of title 23 of the US. Code. Nine
projects in seven states were
funded during fiscal year 1993.
The hydronic hoses are in place prior
to the bridge deck placement. Hot
fluid circulating through the hoses
heats the deck surface. A sensor
device is shown in the foreground.
e Thin-bonded overlay and
surface lamination of pave-
ment. Projects in this category
will incorporate uses of thin-
bonded overlays (including
inorganic bonding systems) as a
part of highway pavement or
bridge repair, rehabilitation, or
upgrading. The projects will be
designed to evaluate feasibility
and costs and benefits; to
minimize overlay thickness,
initial lay-down costs, and out-
of-service time; and to maximize
life-cycle durability. Twenty-
eight projects in 14 states were
funded in fiscal year 1993.
e All-weather pavement mark-
ings. These projects will evaluate
the use of all-weather pavement
markings for durability and
Page 5
safety. Project locations will be
chosen to test the effects of
varying climatic conditions,
snow and ice control operations,
and various traffic characteristics
and pavement types. Seventy-
seven projects in 17 states were
funded in fiscal year 1993.
In addition, two individual
projects were planned. A construc-
tion project planned for Missouri
ART Program apply to this
program element. (See HITEC
article on page 9.)
Applied research
The applied research program
promotes identification and
development of foreign and
domestic technologies and new
methods for accelerated testing
and evaluation. The program will
include a variety of research and
After approximately two years of heavy traffic, the VISIBEAD road boundary
line still provides good wet weather delineation.
will use high-performance
blended hydraulic cement in
highway pavements or structures
to evaluate the durability and
construction efficiency of this
material. Also pending is a project
in New Jersey to evaluate the
environmental and safety charac-
teristics of elastomer-modified
asphalt when used in highway
pavement construction.
Test and evaluation
Test and evaluation (T&E) projects
involve the full-scale field testing
and evaluation of new technolo-
gies. T&E projects originating in
both the public and private sector
will come through the Highway
Innovative Technology Evaluation
Center (HITEC). HITEC will serve
as a focal point for evaluating
innovative technologies and will
provide a valuable network of
experts to hasten the transfer of
technology into practice. The
Guidelines for Implementing the
Page 6
development (R&D) activities to
develop products and technologies
that meet the general objectives of
the ART Program. The applied
research program element has
been used to fund some high-
priority research areas, reviews of
foreign technologies, and research
of advanced topics. The applied
research program element is also
the key resource for providing
technical assistance to states and
local agencies participating in the
T&E program.
ART Program Scope
A broad range of technologies are
to be tested under the ART
Program. The ART Program
mandate encompasses the follow-
ing technology areas:
e Materials and procedures that
accelerate construction. Projects
in this category will test and
evaluate innovative uses and
modifications of concrete, steel,
plastics, composites, and other
materials, and innovative proce-
dures for accelerating construc-
tion. Examples would include
rapid-curing materials, prefabri-
cated components, plug-in
replacement modules, auto-
mated construction equipment,
and robots and sensors.
Environmentally beneficial
materials and procedures.
These projects will test and
evaluate the environmental
benefits of alternative materials
and procedures used in high-
way planning, design, construc-
tion, rehabilitation, operation,
and maintenance. Examples
would be air quality improve-
ments and noise abatement
systems for construction, envi-
ronmentally benign materials
for vegetation control, and
environmentally safe paint
Materials and techniques that
enhance serviceability and
longevity under adverse cli-
matic, environmental, and load
effects. This category includes
strength-enhancing additives or
reinforcements, coatings and
sealers, composite designs, in
situ supplements, and alternative
design or construction technolo-
Technologies that increase
efficiency and productivity of
vehicular travel. This category
includes vehicle and roadway
projects; traffic control devices
and systems; traffic management
systems, strategies, and commu-
nications; information systems;
and computer-based tools that
permit analysis of areawide
surface transportation needs and
operational plans. Examples
include innovative sensing and
information transfer technolo-
gies, operational systems,
software, and other technologies
affecting vehicular travel and
demand management.
Technologies that enhance
safety and accessibility of
vehicular transportation
systems. Projects that test and
evaluate hardware, software,
materials, equipment, and
systems that address improved
safety and accessibility of
vehicular transportation systems
will be covered by this category.
Signs with poor retroreflectivity cannot be easily seen at night and in adverse weather conditions.
Also included will be design,
construction, and operational
concepts for improved safety or
accessibility of vehicular trans-
portation systems, such as
guidance and control systems,
visibility and traction improve-
ments, network operations, and
monitoring and control systems.
Note that Intelligent Vehicle-
Highway Systems (IVHS) tech-
nologies are not eligible for this
program. IVHS technologies are
specifically covered under IVHS
programs administered by the
Department of Transportation and
other agencies; IVHS technologies
will be referred to those programs.
Application Process
Proposals for T&E projects are
invited from public agencies,
private organizations, and indi-
viduals. The proposed T&E
projects must be incorporated into
projects constructed on highways
eligible for federal-aid funding. All
proposals will be routed through
HITEC, which will assist in plan-
ning and implementing field tests
and in developing evaluation plans
for those proposals. Applications
for testing will be accepted and
evaluations will begin during fiscal
year 1994.
ART application requirements
will be simple and straightforward
to encourage the participation of
private innovators who are
unfamiliar with the highway
market. Proposals will include a
project plan, a detailed plan for
statistical data collection, a budget
that includes itemized total and
annual costs, and plans for dis-
seminating the useful results of
the project to the transportation
Proposal applications for
technology testing and evaluation
and possible ART funding should
be submitted directly to HITEC.
Public agencies should refer to
HITEC all parties offering new
Funding for T&E project costs will
be shared; the program will
provide funds to state highway
agencies to finance up to
80 percent of the federal-aid cost
to construct those new technolo-
gies. The federal share can fund
the acquisition, installation, or
construction of an approved T&E
project. Additionally, project costs
for testing, data collection, evalua-
tion, and report preparation are
eligible for 100-percent ART
Program funding. If the technol-
ogy fails on an operating highway,
repair or replacement costs may
be financed with normal federal-
aid matching funds. The non-
federal share of funding can
include the value of materials,
equipment, specially trained
workers, or other tangible contri-
butions of goods and labor related
to the project, as well as a mon-
etary match.
ART Program funding does not
pay for the total cost of the
construction. The program pays
only the contract features and
costs additional to or different
from the features and costs
associated exclusively with con-
ventional projects or technologies.
The ART guidelines refer to these
as “delta costs’ and identify three
basic categories of features that
may generate such costs:
e Replacement or substitute for a
conventional technology. The
delta costs would be the costs
for the replacement or substitu-
tion, minus the cost of the
conventional technology. An
example would be a new binder
used as a substitute for asphalt
or portland cement.
e Existing technology that has
been modified. The delta costs
would be the costs of the
additional technology and its
incorporation into the project.
An example would be the use
of an asphalt modifier with the
delta costs calculated as the cost
of the modifier and the labor or
equipment cost incurred in
adding the modifier. If the
modification also required an
increase in preparation, han-
dling, or placement costs over
conventional costs, these in-
creases would also be consid-
ered delta costs and would be
eligible for funding.
e Entirely new technology added
to a project. The delta costs in
this category would be all of the
costs for the new technology to
be incorporated in the project,
such as the installation of a
Page 7
system for heating a bridge deck
or the installation of a cathodic
protection system for a bridge
Note that delta costs do not
include those costs normally
associated with project construc-
tion, unless they are unique to the
new technology in cost and
character. For instance, restriping
surfaces after overlays or
redecking in conjunction with the
installation of a bridge deck
heating system would not be
included in delta costs; however,
traffic control during construction
might qualify if the duration of
construction was increased be-
cause of the incorporation of a
new technology.
Evaluation Plans
If a technology requires a full-
scale field T&E project, HITEC—
working with the states—will assist
applicants in developing and
submitting evaluation plans for
T&E projects to FHWA for possible
ART Program funding.
Reporting Requirements
Annual progress reports will be
required for each project during
the third quarter of the calendar
year. These reports will provide
details about each project with
statistical results and summaries of
project activities, along with any
proposed changes or modifications
of the project plan. Both interim
and final reports will be required.
Final reports will document the
project, the data collected, and the
testing and evaluation results.
Selection Process and
HITEC will receive all proposal
applications and will perform an
initial screening to determine
which are technically feasible as
T&E projects. Incomplete or
unacceptable applications will be
returned with a debriefing; others
may be routed to more appropri-
ate federal programs. Standard
processing for feasible proposals
will include the establishment of a
review panel, evaluation planning,
and an applicant cost-sharing plan.
HITEC will then recommend to
FHWA those technologies to be
tested and evaluated under the
Page 8
ART Program.
Selection by FHWA will be
based on the following eight
criteria, which are listed in de-
scending order of priority:
1. Applicability of the project to
one or more of the priority or
general technologies.
2. Timeliness of the proposed
project as part of an approved
and funded construction project
involving new construction,
rehabilitation, upgrading, or
3. The clarity of focus and applica-
bility of the new technology
being evaluated relative to the
areas of need.
4. The level of funding to be
provided by the applicant.
5. The appropriateness of project
costs and budget to the potential
return on investment in terms
of safety, serviceability, produc-
tivity, durability, economy, and
environmental quality.
6. Completeness and technical
quality of the project plan and
7. Suitability of the proposed
location(s) for the technology
being studied.
8. Quality, clarity, comprehensive-
ness, and applicability of the
proposed technology transfer
FHWA will announce which T&E
projects have been selected for
funding under the ART Program
early in the first quarter of each
fiscal year. FHWA will notify the
states of the approved project(s)
and the funding amount(s). The
states will be requested to develop
plans, specifications, and estimates
for project construction, which
will be the basis for the allocation
of federal funds. Funding of the
approved projects will be through
the normal federal-aid procedures,
and funding will be processed
through FHWA field offices.
As detailed in the ART guidelines,
T&E projects routed through
HITEC will provide the funding
and technical assistance needed to
channel innovative technologies
quickly into the highway system.
The ART Program has the
potential to improve the quality of
US. highways significantly by
matching, testing, and evaluating
technologies and projects to
accelerate the use of innovative
technologies on a national scale.
For more information about
this program, please contact
Richard A. McComb at the Office
of Technology Applications
(HTA-2), (202) 366-2792.
Richard A. McComb is a special
assistant to the director of the
Office of Technology Applications
(OTA). McComb manages the
Applied Research and Technology
Program. A career highway
engineer with FHWA, McComb
headed the Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP) Imple-
mentation Staff upon the creation
of OTA in 1990. In that capacity, he
coordinated and planned a na-
tional and international marketing
program to identify, develop, and
promote adoption of innovative
technologies and products from
SHRP. He was chief of the Engi-
neering and Operations Implemen-
tation Division at the Turner-
Fairbank Highway Research
Center in McLean, Va. from 1987
to 1990. From 1985 to 1987, he was
assigned as loaned staff to the
SHRP. McComb received his
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
civil engineering from the Univer-
sity of Connecticut.
Daniel F. Larson is transporta-
tion programs director at Tonya,
Inc, a consulting firm that pro-
vides full program support to
FHWA for the Applied Research
and Technology Program. Mr.
Larson has more than 20 years of
experience managing technical
programs for such clients as the
Federal Judiciary, the Federal
Aviation Administration, AT&T,
Baxter International, and the US.
Department of Commerce. He was
a study director and operations
analyst at the Pentagon and he
directed a government command
and control center. He received his
bachelor’s degree from the US. Air
Force Academy and his master’s
degree from the University of
a i ar a
Oo 6 egg ae
Roadblocks to
by Louis Colucci
and Robert Bryant
The Highway Innovative Technol-
ogy Evaluation Center (HITEC),
established in 1992 to serve as a
nationally recognized service
center and clearinghouse for
evaluating innovative highway
technologies, opened for business
on January 4, 1994.
The official grand opening
ceremony was conducted on
February 10. Congressman Norman
Mineta (D-Calif.), chairman of the
House Committee on Public
Works and Transportation, and
Federal Highway Administrator
Rodney E. Slater were invited to
participate. Congressman Mineta
presented the keynote remarks at
the 1992 workshop on highway
innovation from which the HITEC
concept was born.
At the inaugural meeting of the
HITEC Executive Committee on
_ May 12, 1993, Jane F. Garvey,
deputy administrator of the
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), called HITEC “the key to
restarting the engine of innova-
tion.” She also said, “It is a wonder-
ful way to expedite the implemen-
tation of new technology into our
highway system. Although an
enormous undertaking, HITEC is
crucial to the future of our high-
ways. At no other time in history
has the need for innovation in
highways been greater. We must
continue to seek ways to provide
Page 9
UOLIDPUNO GIAVASAY Fulsaaursuyq 1019
a better product using fewer
HITEC serves as a focal point
for evaluating new technologies
from both the public and private
sectors and also serves to expedite
the transfer of these new tech-
nologies into operating practice.
Technologies evaluated by HITEC
might include a new material to
extend pavement life, a new piece
of construction equipment, a new
maintenance process, or a new
bridge design feature.
HITEC will accept only those
technologies (products, tools, and
processes) for which research has
been essentially completed and
there are prototypes ready for
adoption and for which there are
no established standards or
specifications. Where more re-
search is needed, cases will be
referred to existing programs such
as the Small Business Innovation
Research Program and the
National Cooperative Highway
Research Program (NCHRP)
Innovations Deserving Explor-
atory Analysis IDEA) program.
Where standard technical accep-
tance already exists, cases will be
referred to programs such as the
National Transportation Product
Evaluation Program of the Ameri-
can Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) for comparative
performance testing.
HITEC will help tear down
some of the roadblocks to innova-
tion in highway projects.
Harvey M. Bernstein, president
of the Civil Engineering Research
Foundation (CERF), and J. Peter
Kissinger, director of Highway
Innovative Research for CERF
explained some of these road-
blocks in an article that was
published by the Construction
Business Review. “Presently, if an
entrepreneur or manufacturer
decides to develop a product for
the US. highway system, the road
to the marketplace is pitted with
detours and roadblocks. The odds
against getting the product consid-
ered and adopted by all the state
and local jurisdictions is staggering.
In fact, the more you know about
the diverse design and construc-
tion industry, the less willing
you will be to tackle the pro-
duct acceptance process. The
Page 10
institutional barriers are too
numerous, the market too frag-
mented, the level of reviews and
approvals too diverse, and the
return on investment too small ...
“Unfortunately, the design and
construction industry, which must
play a key role in rebuilding our
deteriorating infrastructure, has
reached a point in a litigious
society where the uncertainty of
product liability charges and least-
cost contracts result in low risk
designs rewarding practitioners for
stability rather than innovation.”
The benefits of HITEC include:
e Innovators can more quickly
and easily get peer review of
their products and access to the
e The agencies derive savings
from use of the new products.
e The agencies can reduce their
product acceptance committees
and associated testing.
e The concept brings the users
together to share information.
This is already in evidence in
AASHTO’s newly formed
National Transportation Product
Evaluation Program that is
establishing regional testing
centers for comparative perfor-
mance testing of materials, such
as traffic paints.
e The HITEC concept builds on
the experiences of similar
programs underway in Canada,
France, and other countries.
e The concept establishes a
partnering relationship with
Cra 7
> Sata
+7 a= Spee
uUOoLIDPUNOY Go4vasay Su1saauisug 11019
PNY ticripioipeenyineel
Applications Accepted
3| Evaluation Teams Assembled
yeluieintort Criteria and |
Plan Approved __
Report Prepared
‘Review with Applicant —
Favorable Unfavorable
Report —
9| Distributed | 9
HITEC is administered and
coordinated by CERF, part of the
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, and will be partially funded
initially under a four-year coopera-
tive agreement between CERF and
FHWA. HITEC is guided by an
executive committee that includes
public and private leaders of the
highway community. The HITEC
concept has already been suggest-
ed for establishing similar pro-
grams in the environmental and
high-rise building technologies.
Although HITEC has a national
focus, it is not a federal program.
HITEC’s goal is to become self-
supporting. HITEC will charge fees
for both the application process
and evaluation plan development.
These are funded by the applicant.
It is expected that the initial
screening fee will be less than
$5,000, with the initial evaluation
plan costing $20,000. The actual
field or laboratory evaluation costs
may well range from $100,000 to
$1 million; the higher end of the
range will be the exception.
Substantial assistance is ex-
pected from the private sector.
When appropriate, funds from
government programs, such as
Section 6005 of the Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act of 1991, will also be used. The
goal of HITEC is to build new
alliances and consortia between
government at all levels, private
industry, research facilities, and
other key elements of the high-
way community.
Innovators, private companies,
and public entities with new
products and services will work
with technical panels organized by
HITEC to plan and implement the
necessary real-world evaluations
to demonstrate to the highway
user community how the product
or service performs, where it
would be applicable, and what
benefits it will provide if used.
After the evaluation process is
completed on each technology, the
technical evaluation team with the
HITEC staff will prepare a report.
If the report is favorable—the
product or process meets the
technical requirements of the
evaluation plan—then the report
will be issued for public use. It is
hoped that the favorable report
will lead to:
e Rapid adoption of the technol-
ogy by highway agencies.
e Enhanced product acceptance
by the highway community.
e Further marketing by the
applicant promoting technical
The favorable report by HITEC
is not an endorsement; it is a
consensus of technical acceptance
and integrity as claimed by the
Unfavorable reports will not be
released to the public. They will
be reviewed confidentially by the
technical team and HITEC staff
with the applicant for further
development, refinement, or
action on the technology.
As stated by Bernstein and
Kissinger, “By encouraging our
industry and federal government
to support and contribute to the
establishment of nationally
accepted test centers for innova-
tion, we can open many of the
doors blocking our path to the
marketplace. We can establish a
process for demonstrating the
value of innovation nationwide,
and thus foster the implementa-
tion of new materials, products,
and methods, while simulta-
neously improving the global
competitive position of our
For more information on
HITEC, please contact:
Mr. J. Peter Kissinger
Director, Highway Innovative
Civil Engineering Research
1015 15th Street N.W, Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 842-0555
Fax: (202) 789-2943
Louis Colucci is a research
engineer in the Office of Ad-
vanced Research, Office of the
(FHWA) Associate Administrator
for Research and Development, at
the Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center in McLean, Va.
Robert Bryant is the editor of
Public Roads. He is employed by
Walcoff and Associates as the
project manager of an editorial
support team in the FHWA’s
Office of Research and Develop-
ment Operations and Support at
the Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center.
Page 11
Modeling of Geotextiles and Other Membranes in
the Prevention of Reflection Cracking in
by Luis F. Da Silva
and Juan A. Confré
An analytic study on the use of
membranes in asphaltic resurfac-
ing of fractured pavements is
presented in this article. Based on
general laws such as Hooke’s Law,
Paris’ Law, and the energy conser-
vation law plus some reasonable
hypotheses, the Fabric Effective-
ness Factor (FEF) has been deter-
mined. This factor indicates the
increment in the service life of an
asphaltic overlay. According to the
results obtained, it is possible to
conclude that geotextiles are
physically the best membranes,
followed by the wire mesh and
some other alternatives. The
results are general and provide a
framework for future research
(both theoretical and in the
laboratory) on road service life
related to thermal and traffic
loading distresses.
Asphaltic resurfacing is a way of
rehabilitating deteriorated and
fractured roads, providing a partial
solution based mainly on eco-
nomic considerations. Neverthe-
less, this solution is restrained,
among other secondary factors, by
the premature emergence of
cracks on the new layer surface, as
a consequence of reflection
cracking from the original pave-
Many different methods have
been tried in order to prevent or
delay this reflection. An attempt to
delay the emergence of these
cracks has also been made by
incorporating such elements as
geotextiles between the old
pavement and the new layer.
Whether the geotextile delays
crack propagation or not has been
a matter of divided opinion.
Nevertheless, our interest in doing
research on it was originally based
Page 12
Asphaltic Resurfacing
upon some successful experimen-
tation developed in Chile (more
specifically on the “El Cobre”
Road), where excellent results
have been obtained. Although its
application is not that extensive
yet in the country, new research
on the subject is currently being
conducted. (D Some successful
experiences in the United States
also influenced our interest.
This theoretical study on the
use of membranes for the preven-
tion of reflection cracking in
asphaltic resurfacing provides a
theoretical framework for future
research and gives credence to
current empirical recommenda-
tions. Although approximate, its
results are considered fairly
acceptable; their interpretations
will be given general treatment,
focusing the analysis on the
tendencies found.
Geotextiles in
A geotextile is defined as a syn-
thetic permeable membrane,
especially built for different uses
related to soil engineering and
whose materials belong to the
great diversity of products manu-
factured by the polymer industry.
Geotextile influence on long-
term behavior of asphaltic over-
lays, along with the asphalt
reinforcement effect, constitute a
complex mechanism that depends
on the “geotextile-asphalt-impreg-
nation-pavement structure-manu-
facturing” system. This mechanism
should by no means be related
only to the tensile strength of the
In time, asphalt concrete roads
will be exposed to cracking
caused by temperature, asphalt
aging, rutting, and flexural fatigue.
In the resurfacing case, reflection
cracking is also to be considered.
This reflection is reduced and
delayed by the seal and reinforce-
ment properties of the geotextile
considered. First, when saturated
with asphaltic impregnation
material, it forms an impermeable
barrier that prevents water from
reaching lower levels of the road;
then, it dissipates stresses at each
point. Requirements with which
non-woven geotextiles must
comply are indicated in table 1.
Theoretical Analysis of
Traffic Loads
In order to elaborate the best
possible theoretical model that
simulates vertical crack propaga-
tion to an asphaltic overlay, the
analysis is based upon two prin-
ciples: crack propagation due to
the transmission of traffic loads
and crack propagation due to
Table i—Geotextile Requirements
ASTM D-3776
ASTM D-276
1.99 - 2.27
ASTM D-4632
IST 180.8 - 84
Se ee
temperature variations. Consider-
ation is also given to concepts and
hypotheses leading to acceptable
results when compared to those
obtained through experimentation.
Pavement strength depends not
only on maximum loads, but also
on their frequency of occurrence.
As for the effects due to traffic,
this is a key aspect when it comes
to loading trucks; it is under this
point that the analysis of pave-
ment design is conducted.
Fatigue law relates stress levels
to the number of cycles required
to produce an asphaltic overlay
failure, assuming the rest of the
variables are constant. This law
can be expressed in the form:
N =ao?
where N is the number of times
the load is repeated, o is the
maximum loading stress, and a, b
are experimental parameters. (2)
Nevertheless, the system to be
analyzed includes an asphaltic
overlay on an even sealed frac-
tured pavement. In addition, the
analysis should rest mainly upon
the crack propagation itself from
the rigid pavement to the surface.
Therefore, under this concept of
fatigue of the material, it is neces-
sary to introduce the parameter f
of propagation of the crack to the
surface, whose equation is:
ces Con
the so-called Paris’ law, indicating
how much a fracture propagates
per repeated load to produce such
an increment. Analogously, C and
m are parameters. (3)
This criterion of resurfacing
break will be defined at the time
- the crack reaches the surface. Due
to the fact that this analysis deals
essentially with the reflection
phenomenon, it is necessary to say
that it only considers upwards
reflection cracking coming from a
fractured concrete pavement.
The duration of the acting load
caused by a moving vehicle at a
point in the fractured zone is
indeed very short, just fractions
of a second; besides, the load
suffers a dispersion as it moves
downwards in the material. The
1] Flexible
=— zone
9 i)
Concrete ©)
CO oe
Figure 1—Possible mechanism for
crack propogation delay due to a
membrane layer.
resulting deflection could be
considered “elastic.” For preventing
crack propagation, some reinforce-
ment elements (eg. a geotextile)
are incorporated into the system
before applying the new layer.
Avoiding reflection cracking is
actually not possible, but an
attempt can be made to delay
such propagation. Thereby, a
longer service life can be attained.
The membrane stuffs the small
space between the two concrete
blocks and spreads the motion in
the zone through a wide enough
section of the upper layer so the
deformation can be absorbed, thus
reducing fatigue. (See figure 1.) (4)
If a load P is applied, a normal
distribution of stresses S7(x,z) is
verified at a given point of the
membrane incorporated into the
system, with:
mere ey?) = exp mete,
zV2nv 2vz?
this relationship makes a normal
distribution of P, and the standard
deviation is given by z,/y, with v
representing Poisson’s coefficient.
P is the load produced by the
SKz (X,Z)
Figure 2—Normal distribution of
Figure 3—Equilibrium of forces in
the membrane.
wheel, and its dimensions are
force per unit width. (See figure
Assuming that materials behave
as an isotropic homogenous mean,
and also that traffic-loading
distress produces small deforma-
tions within elastic limits, the
following system of forces can be
written with a general equation
(according to figure 3):
TH + re9{ +K ,w(x) = S, (x,z)
where: T(x) = T1(x) + T2(x),
T1Cx) = Fi « (Sz(@x,z) + P+ Z J,
superior tangential stress;
T2Cx) = F2 * [Ks * wGqz) + T+ Z],
inferior tangential stress,
where I is the specific weight of
the asphaltic mix; Z is the thick-
ness of the asphaltic overlay; and
Fi, F2 are friction factors. The third
term in equation (1) corresponds
to an equation given by Winkler’s
modulus, where w(x) is the
Figure 4—Balance of energy on top
of the crack.
Page 13
deflection at each point and Ks
represents the reaction. The
solution to this differential equa-
tion must comply with the condi-
tion of deformation compatibility.
In general, and as a conse-
quence of vertical displacements
suffered by the concrete pave-
ment, this layer will derive the
flexure produced by traffic
loading to the overlay pavement,
thus propagating the crack to the
surface. Through energetic consid-
erations, it is possible to state the
following differential equation:
where, by definition, G + df equals
the work done by the splitting
force G of a crack in a structure
for a small propagation df (see
figure 4); V is the work done by
the external forces; and, U is the
internal energy of the structure.
According to Paris’ law, men-
tioned above, it is possible to
associate the increment in the
differential df to the passing of a
wheel by a fractured zone. The
equation takes the form:
rearranging this equation we get:
Gm = 0)
Thus, evaluating and regroup-
ing constant terms in C, we obtain
the equation:
N = ———____
C (m+)DT,™ (2)
Study with Membrane
When considering an overlay with
the incorporation of such a
membrane that leads to a prolon-
gation of the service life, we
would expect a greater loading
frequency in order to reach the
failure, that is, N (w/memb.) > N
(wo/memb.). This could be
possible through a reduction of
the propagation force G, produced
Page 14
because of the work exerted by
the external forces. The incorpora-
tion of a membrane such as a
geotextile or a similar fabric
ensures that the asphaltic overlay
will be less loaded, owing to a
greater elasticity supplied by the
Analogously, as done with
equation (2), we get an equation
that includes the membrane
through its thickness hg, and
presents an expected maximum
stress To of smaller magnitude.
Using N2 and To2 for the new
situation with membrane, we
AC) oe
*~ Cm + DT p™
Assigning Nj to the original
system without membrane, and
considering hg=0 for case 1, from
(2) and (3) we get the quotient:
New Z+h, ee Tot\a
Nel aye
Ni/N2 represents how much the
service life of an asphaltic resur-
face is prolonged by the incorpo-
ration of a membrane as a rein-
forcement element in order to
control crack propagation pro-
duced by truck loadings. This
quotient is actually the fabric
effectiveness factor (FEF), supplied
by manufacturers. (5) Neverthe-
less, the determination of FEF
varies according to geometrical
and loading conditions, presenting
geotextile-different responses.
It is necessary to say that the
above equations are theoretical;
parameters C and m are experi-
mentally obtained by means of
correlations between several
loading tests that measure their
corresponding cycles and loads.
We assume that for both cases,
coefficient C is of a similar order
of magnitude. Likewise, it is
possible to regroup exponent m,
obtaining a much more sensitive
parameter in equation (4), which
implicitly depends upon the
characteristics of the material for
the respective loading state. (3)
Distress produced by significant
thermal variations is another
important factor that affects
pavements. These variations are
cyclical, depending upon the
maximum and minimum daily
temperatures. The purpose of this
analysis is to make it more conve-
nient to consider daily, rather than
yearly, temperature variations.
This is the cycle that reduces
service life of the pavement,
having greater influence on crack
Since we are studying an
asphaltic overlay on the tip of an
Mode | Mode II Mode III
Shear Torsion
Figure 5—Modeling with Mode I.
existing rigid pavement, consider-
ation must be given to the fact
that the response of each of these
materials to thermal distress will
be different. That is, when a
pavement layer is subjected to
these stresses, it tends to expand
and contract at high and low
temperatures, respectively. There-
fore, an incompatibility between
the deformation of the old pave-
ment and the asphaltic overlay
movement will occur.
For the effect of modeling the
propagation, cracks in solids may
be taken as discrete surfaces under
a displacement field. In the case of
flat cracks, potential displacements
of these surfaces are given by
three independent fracturing
modes. (See figure 5.) When
Figure 6—Stress on top of the crack
diagrams for plane deformations.
analyzing upward vertical crack
propagations, as in this study, the
most suitable fracturing mode is
Mode I, opening. (6) More explic-
itly, when the concrete layer
contracts—producing cracks—a
slipping plane that stresses the
asphaltic mix is generated in the
interface of the two layers, induc-
ing the reflection.
One of the equations proposed
for Mode I to relate displacements
to stresses, outlined according to
the reference system shown in
figure 6, is given by the analytic
Hokie fo 7%
e= rae sin(6 / 2k —HCOS 6]
where K is the parameter that
depends on loading (tensile
intensity factor); e is the displace-
ment normal to the direction of
the crack (width of the transversal
crack); Go is the tensile modulus
(Go = E/201 + V)); E is the elasticity
modulus; V is Poisson’s Coefficient;
f, 6 are the ratio and the angle in
polar coordinates, respectively;
and k = 3 - 4v, is the flat deforma-
tion state. (3)
Pavement temperature is depth-
dependent: the deeper, the lower
(Thomlinson’s criterion). This
characteristic is represented by:
T(z) = Ts * exp(-Ta ° Z)
where Ts is the temperature at the
surface level; Ta is the coefficient
dependent on thermal diffusive-
ness; and z is the depth at which
Asphaltic layer
Concrete T(Z)=To+exp(Td+Z)
Figure 7—Thermic stress
temperature is T(z). (See figure 7.)
The tensile intensity factor is
calculated from equation (5),
where propagation occurs verti-
cally, that is, when 6 = x (propaga-
tion angle is measured in relation
to the propagation ratio). The
general equation for this particular
case takes the form:
wylo alee Jp
Go 2n
The space e does not depend
on the height of the crack. Never-
theless, it is proportional to the
temperature variation on the
plane at depth z. Rearranging,
from (6) and (7) we get:
y Gaye Gr)
K=AeT, eexp(T, ¢Z) Wa-w (=
Using Paris’ law for the case of
a thermal distress, we have:
ET caacibarsinct
aN ee (8K)
Under the boundary conditions
stated above, we can obtain:
eexp(-m eT, ¢z)ezotm/
ae Bd +m/2)
_ Go
B=Ce(A 5T 1-V)
From this equation, it is possible
to conclude that the time to reach
failure is proportional to two
terms, both depending on thick-
Asphaltic layer
Figure 8—Modeling with equivalent
ness Z, from which the exponen-
tial term exp(-m-+Tu*z) represents
the gravitation of the thermal
A composed configuration that
can be modeled by the following
equation is shown in figure 8:
€qg =Aq 0 ST eexpCTag ¢ Z;)
where eg represents the opening
of the crack the propagation will
develop when trespassing a
membrane-overlay system whose
thickness is determined by a
multilayer system; Z; is the overall
thickness of this multilayer
system, Aq is the equivalent
proportionality coefficient; Taq is a
factor that depends on the thermal
diffusiveness of both materials;
and 8T is the temperature differ-
ence that for all subsequent
calculations will be considered
constant and equal to 40 °C.
Considering a multilayer model,
we have:
Zr =Z+ hg
ZeTy +hg eTug
Ag = (Ag A)
where hg is the thickness of the
membrane, Idg is the thermal
diffusiveness of the membrane,
and Ag is the proportionality
coefficient for the corresponding
If we want N to increase in
equation (8) with the incorpora-
tion of the geotextile, then we
must have:
ie, Ag<A, which is true if eq=e ° f,
ee ae
,|ex leh)
According to the proposed
hypotheses, the condition propor-
tionality that coefficient A must
comply with to prolong the
service life is valid.
Page 15
Using equations (8) and (10) for
the cases with and without
membrane, the following quotient
is obtained:
N, +h
N, -( Z
3 Zz
| e exp(h,Ty,em) |
2 |>
Equation (12) allows quantifica-
tion of the increment in the
number of loading cycles—hence,
of the service life—needed by the
reflective crack coming from the
concrete pavement in order to
reach the surface of the asphaltic
overlay. This equation gives the
prolongation of the service life as
a function of the thermal diffu-
siveness of the membrane; the
thickness of the membrane; the
thickness of the asphaltic overlay;
exponent m and experimental
parameter characteristics of
bituminous materials; and coeffi-
cient A, obtained for each material.
In addition, this quotient
defines parameter FEF for the case
of thermal distress, and is com-
posed by three terms, the first two
presenting a greater gravitation on
the value of FEF: first, a relation-
ship between coefficient A;
second, an exponential term that is
a function of parameter Tq (de-
pending on the thermal diffusive-
ness of the membrane constitutive
material); and third, a term whose
components are comparable in
magnitude, having thus a lesser
Equivalent Membrane
The porous nature of a non-
woven membrane allows its elastic
properties to be affected by the
retention of asphaltic mix, forming
an asphalt-membrane system that
generates an equivalent mem-
brane. At depth Z from the
surface, there is a plane whose
elastic properties are affected by
the presence of a polymer fabric
or some other material. Hence, an
elasticity modulus o wing either to
the incorporation of a membrane
impregnated with asphalt or to
the intrusion of asphaltic mix,
depending on the case, is to be
considered when modeling.
This effect leads to an equiva-
lent elasticity modulus, given by
the equation:
Page 16
Eq (MEMEQ) = 0: Ea + 8° Em
where Eg represents the term
corresponding to the equivalent
elasticity modulus; Ea corresponds
to the stiffness of the asphalt in
the mix, depending on loading
frequency, temperature of applica-
tion, penetration index, and
temperature at penetration 800
(Van der Poel); and Em corre-
sponds to the value of the mem-
brane elasticity modulus that
shows a linear behavior and is
determined by the tensile fatigue
and the corresponding strain.
The equivalent membrane is
indeed a membrane that suffers
less stress under the same defor-
mation. o and & are interpreted as
the ratio between the volume of
the material and the total volume;
their determination is obtained
from the percentage of asphalt
retention in the membrane, given
that the areas are directly propor-
tional to the part of the volume
occupied by the material.
From the equations obtained in
the previous chapters, it is possible
to implement a model where both
events interact, under equal initial
conditions, in a cracked concrete
layer covered by an asphaltic
overlay. The methodology to be
followed consists of the determina-
tion of FEF, ie. the increment in
the number of loading and tem-
perature distresses that will affect
an asphaltic overlay.
The final results are expressed
in terms of the increment pro-
duced by the incorporation of a
membrane in the loading cycle
necessary to reach the failure; for
this, we have to compare the
systems with and without mem-
brane, respectively.
The model simulates a fake
membrane whose material is an
asphaltic mix; its thickness is the
same as that of the equivalent
membrane for the woven type,
with which it will be compared
by means of quotients.
To operate, the model requires all
the data related to properties of
materials and to the geometry of
the system under consideration.
To this end, we use the data
contained in the different catalogs
available for membranes like
geotextiles, and other materials
like iron or polyester-woven
structures. Nevertheless, in the
case of burlap, and due to the lack
of information on its properties,
data on geotextiles of low-tensile
strength and smaller thickness are
e Burlap: The information used
for this material is based on
geotextile BIDIM type U14:
tensile strength of 28 lb/in
(4.91 kN/m), elongation 40
percent. (7)
e Geotextile: A geotextile BIDIM
type OP-30 is used: maximum
stress of 11430 lbf/in (20 kN/m),
elongation 30 percent, retention
30 percent. (10)
e Wire mesh: This is composed of
iron 37-24 of 0.17 in (42 mm)
diameter. The screen corre-
sponds to an iron wire net
welded at the intersection points
every 100 mm.
e Polyester-woven structure: Type
6030 ARMAPAL, fiber glass, a
tensile strength of 342.12 Ib/in
(60 kN/m), elongation 12 per-
cent, and a thickness of 0.08 in
(2.0 mm). (8)
Table 2 indicates the parameters
used in the model, where Ag is the
proportionality constant between
the width of the base of the crack
and the temperature on the plane
containing the vent of the crack,
and gamma is the parameter that
depends on thermal diffusiveness.
Discussion and
In drawing the conclusions, we
must stress the fact that the
methodology used is based upon
an analytic formulation, whose
hypotheses are associated with the
widely accepted elasticity theory
and the fatigue laws.
First of all, the simulation
established that the deflection
produced by temporary loads
generates similar results to those
obtained through the use of a
deflectometer in a currently active
highway. This fact allows the
attainment of good approxima-
tions in the calculation of real
It is possible to prove that the
stresses under the asphaltic layer
decrease as a consequence of a
Table 2—Membranes Physical and Mechanical Property
larger loading action area. Hence,
the normal distribution used
represents a good approximation.
The incorporation of a mem-
brane, such as a geotextile, pro-
vides a greater elasticity on the
plane of stress located under the
asphaltic overlay. This fact should
be interpreted as an element that
arrests distresses by modifying the
elasticity modulus of the asphaltic
A geotextile does not provide a
greater strength to the system, but
rather a greater flexibility in the
cracked zone by reducing the
stresses, generating a smaller
vertical propagation force.
Geotextiles do not allow control
over deflections, but their smaller
elasticity modulus lets them work
at a smaller stress.
Figure 9 of stress v/s thickness
shows that for thicknesses greater
than 3.94 in (0 cm), the incorpora-
tion of a geotextile has no gravita-
tion. The effectiveness of these
elements in reducing stresses
becomes apparent in overlays
1. Without Geotextile
2. With Geotextile
Figure 9—Tension v/s thickness;
geotextile; concrete paving 7.87 [in];
equivalent axis 18.000 [Ib];
0.06 0.85
5.28 E-04 7.37 E-04
492,860.0 2,794.0
whose thicknesses are between
1.57 and 2.76 in (4 and 7 cm), It is
also possible to prove that the
thicker the overlay, the greater the
prolongation of the service life.
To obtain a mixed material
formed by bitumen and polymer,
supplied by a geotextile, a concept
of equivalent membrane was
defined, corresponding to a
membrane with retained bitumi-
nous material, which in the case
of geotextiles is determined by the
absorption parameter.
The fabric absorption param-
eter is associated with the reten-
tion capacity, conforming an
impermeable membrane whose
elastic property allows a greater
flexibility under a reduction of
The compatibility between
absorption and elasticity proper-
ties must be in equilibrium with
the amount of bitumen contained
in the membrane. Figure 10 tells
that the elasticity supplied by the
model increases the fabric effec-
tiveness factor (FEF) of the
20 40 60 80
Figure 10—Impregnation; curve of
elasticity determined by the model in
the equivalent membrane.
HH Geotextile @E Wire net
38: Polyester net 382 Burlap
Figure 11—FEF variation v/s
asphaltic thickness; different types
of materials; propagation
temperature delay.
2.78 3.94
GB Wire net
@ Geotextile
#2 Polyester net #2 Burlap
Figure 12—FEF variation v/s
asphaltic thickness; different types
of materials; propagation traffic
resurfacing, and it is a function of
the amount of bitumen; the
membrane is saturated, reducing
its effectiveness. Nevertheless,
there is the limitation represented
by the retention of bitumen; the
effectiveness factor grows as the
retention capacity increases. (9)
For smaller absorption percent-
ages, FEF goes down due to a low
The result of this analysis
confirms an optimum absorption
value of about 30 percent, imply-
ing a saturation amount of
13 x 104 gal/in? (0.9 L/m?) for a
geotextile-type membrane, accord-
ing to recommendations by Task
Force 25.
It is important to state that only
a good manufacturing process will
allow an optimum outcome, since
the goal of attaining an impreg-
nated membrane that complies
with the mentioned specifications
requires a proper execution. One
technique consists of using a road-
roller when the tack coat is
Page 17
applied, allowing saturation of the
On the other hand, from figures
11 and 12, we can infer that for the
same distresses, the greater the
thickness of the asphaltic overlay,
the smaller the value of FEF; this
fact re-stresses the importance of
membranes for thinner layers.
We must take into account that
for more elastic materials, that is,
polyester screens (polyester-
woven) and geotextiles, the value
found for FEF is a consequence of
Rigid zone |
45.235 35.204 104.924 309.002
=< Traffic load —<— Temperature
Figure 13—FEF variation with
elasticity; behavior in flexible-rigid
range; temperature and loading
effects; bitumen elasticity for
different types of membranes.
the greater flexibility developed in
the interlayer, which is indicated
in figure 13. In contrast, for a wire
mesh whose elasticity modulus is
high, the FEF obtained is associ-
ated with the greater strength
produced by a greater stiffness
supplied to the system by the iron
According to the general results
obtained, it is possible to conclude
that the geotextile is physically
the best membrane, reaching the
greater increment in the service
life due to traffic loading, followed
by the wire mesh, the woven
structure, and, finally, the sack-
It is important to state that the
prolongation of the service life
through the incorporation of a
Page 18
geotextile would theoretically
indicate a global amplification of
four times. Nevertheless, precisely
because of the theoretical ap-
proach of the analysis, only the
trends in the results of the simula-
tion are to be interpreted; these
trends corroborate the excellent
outcomes obtained in construc-
tions that followed proper manu-
facturing processes.
Due to the complex nature of
the problem, it must be stressed
that the parameters used were
only those directly weighing on
the propagation phenomenon.
With this in mind, the asphalt
aging process was not incorpo-
rated into the analysis, as well as
the organic distresses the
geotextile suffers; the goal sought
is well-defined by the variables
considered most important in the
Consideration must be given to
the fact that this research is based
upon an analytic study done with
little data provided by actual
experiences, and with information
supplied by catalogs. No labora-
tory experimentation was done; if
it had been, certainly more precise
results would have been reached
through equation adjustment.
In conclusion, we have to point
out that the use of different sorts
of materials leads to different
theoretical behaviors, not necessar-
ily reflecting reality, thus serving
only as a reference framework.
The importance of geotextiles
derives from this fact, without
denying possible advantages in
the use of other materials.
(2) D. Cabrera and L. Serra.
Experiencias con geotextiles en
repavimentacion asfaltica en
pavimentos flexibles, 3er
Congresso Iberoamericano del
asfalto. Cartagena, Colombia, 1985.
(2) Hugo Garcia. Ley de fatiga de
mezcla asfaltica mediante
ensayos de flexi6n. Boletin
Técnico LNV No. 2. Laboratorio
Nacional de Vialidad, MOP,
Santiago, Chile, 1989.
(3) H. Goagolou and J. P.
Marchand. La méthode des
éléments finis application a la
fissuration des chaussées et au
calcul des temps de remontee des
fisures. Laboratoires des Ponts et
Chaussées. Bulletin de Liaison 125.
(4) P.R. Rankilor. Membranes in
Ground Engineering John Wiley
& Son, Chichester, England, 1981.
(5) K. Majidzadeh, M. S. Luther, and
H. Sklyut. A Mechanistic Design
Procedure for Fabric-Reinforced
Pavement Systems. Second
International Conference on
Geotextiles, 1992, Vol. II. Las Vegas,
(6) E Erdogan. The Mechanism of
Fracture. ASME Winter Annual
Meeting, 1976. New York, N.Y.
(7) Bidim. Catdlogo de
aplicaciones en obras publicas y
de ingenieria civil 3rd ed. Edit.
Rhodia S. A., Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1982.
(8) Rehau. Rehau ARMAPAL.
Reflection Cracking Beam Testing
SWK Pavement Engineering
Highfields Science Park.
Nottingham, England, 1987.
(9) Amoco Fabrics Company.
Boletines Técnicos, Atlanta, Ga.
Prof. Luis F. Da Silva is a re-
searcher and faculty member in
the Physics Department of the
Universidad Técnica Federico
Santa Maria in Valparaiso, Chile.
He has done extensive research on
experimental solid physics, with
more than 40 publications in
international journals and confer-
ence proceedings.
Juan A. Confré is a civil engineer
currently assigned as a project
engineer at a Chilean government
agency. He has done theoretical
research on road rehabilitation. His
dissertation at the Universidad
Santa Maria in Valparaiso, Chile,
dealt with the use of membranes
in asphaltic resurfacing.
The Next Best Thing
HAYS to Being on the Road
by Elizabeth Alicandri
The Federal Highway
Administration’s (FHWA) Human
Factors Laboratory has operated a
Highway Driving Simulator
(HYSIM) at the Turner-Fairbank
Highway Research Center
(TFHRC) since the early 1980s. The
HYSIM is a fixed-base, interactive
driving simulator that uses com-
puter-generated imagery for its
visual display. The HYSIM is an
excellent test bed for a wide
variety of studies of driver perfor-
This article discusses the utility
of driving simulators for human
factors research, HYSIM’s evolu-
tion over the past 10 years, ongo-
ing and planned HYSIM research
efforts, and FHWA’s anticipated
direction in the field of driving
Driving Simulation
Driving simulators offer a number
of advantages over other testing
environments. Unlike field studies,
simulators offer complete control
of environmental factors and are
highly cost-effective for setup and
data collection. Furthermore,
simulators offer a safe environ-
ment in which to test conditions
that may be too dangerous to
evaluate in a real-world environ-
ment. Unlike other laboratory
situations, however, simulators
offer a dynamic driving environ-
ment with workload and tasks
similar to actual driving. Driving
simulators complement other
laboratory methods and field
testing, in many cases providing
the best of both worlds.
A wide variety of features
and configurations can be applied
to driving simulators. Driving
simulators can be fully interactive,
meaning that all the control
actions taken by the driver are
reflected in the scene. These
systems allow a wide range of
driving situations to be evaluated
in a realistic setting. Partially
interactive or part-task simulators,
although more limited in the
range of experimental situations,
are less costly to develop and
maintain and can provide useful
information for a number of
human factors issues. Computer-
generated imagery allows tremen-
dous flexibility; any required
roadway and surrounding envi-
ronment can be developed. But
the visual image may lack the rich
detail seen in the real world. Real-
world footage, through film or
video mediums, can display the
full visual complexity of the
driving environment, but scenes
are limited to existing roadways
and are not fully interactive.
Motion-based simulators provide
increased face validity to the
system. They are important for
laboratory investigations of
emergency responses and vehicle
handling. However, compared to
fixed-base systems, motion-based
simulators require significantly
greater fiscal resources, computer
power, space, maintenance, and
History of HYSIM
In 1980, Systems Technology
Incorporated completed a feasibil-
ity study for the Department of
Transportation (DOT)/FHWA
Highway Driving Simulator.
Subsequently, HYSIM was built
and tested under federal oversight
in California. The original system
was installed at TFHRC, tested, and
became operational in 1983. The
HYSIM was designed and built in
The Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Driving Simulator: HYSIM.
Page 19
a modular fashion, allowing
subsystems to be upgraded as the
state of the art in various tech-
nologies advanced.
Basically, HYSIM consists of a
car cab that provides a realistic
driving environment, a variety of
computers to control the simula-
tion, and two primary visual
systems. A wide-screen projection
system is used to display the
Visual scene from the original HYSIM using the Evans
and Sutherland PS2 graphics system.
roadway, the surrounding environ-
ment, and other vehicles. Four
35-mm slide projectors with zoom
lenses and affiliated yaw mirrors
add signs to the scenario. The
capability of showing high-resolu-
tion signs in real time is what
continues to set HYSIM apart from
other driving simulators.
First-Generation HYSIM
The original HYSIM consisted of
nine modules. The Car Cab Mod-
ule, still with HYSIM, is a modified
1980 Ford Fairmont. Except for the
engine, drive train, and wheels, the
car cab is intact. It provides a
realistic automobile environment
for the driver. Driver manipulation
of controls in the car cab is
reflected in the simulated driving
The Graphics Computer Module
was a DEC PDP 11/34. It received
input from the car cab controls
to provide updated car position
and velocity to the scenario
computer for navigational calcula-
tions. The graphics computer also
controlled the vehicle dynamics
of the HYSIM.
Page 20
The Scenario Computer Module
was also a DEC PDP 11/34. This
module provided primary control
of the experimental scenario,
performed navigational calcula-
tions, controlled other modules,
and executed data collection.
The Graphics-Generation
Module was an Evans and
Sutherland Picture System 2. This
module transformed the aerial
view of a predefined roadway
generated by the graphics com-
puter into a perspective view. The
output was displayed on a high-
resolution color monitor.
The Roadway Projection
Module consisted of a Sharp XC-
802RA color television camera and
an Aquastar 80090 television
projection system. The camera
viewed the high-resolution display
of the graphics-generation module
and output the image to the
Aquastar, which was mounted in a
gantry above the car cab. The
Aquastar then displayed the
roadway onto a screen mounted
in front of the car cab.
The Sign-Generation Module
consisted of four Mast Random
Access slide projectors, also
mounted in the gantry above the
car cab. Affiliated 7:1 zoom lenses
allowed the static 35-mm slides of
signs to grow in size as the driver
approached them, and computer-
controlled yaw mirrors maintained
the appropriate lateral placement
of signs on the roadway. The sign-
generation module was monitored
and controlled by the scenario
computer and projected realistic
sign images onto the screen in
front of the car cab.
The Sound-Generation Module
received output from both com-
puters. It provided crash sounds,
sirens, wind noise, engine sounds,
and tire squeals to the simulation
through speakers located in the
doors of the car cab.
The Psychophysiological
Visual scene from the upgraded HYSIM using the Star
Graphicon G2000 Image Generator.
Module was a Gould system that
allowed for collection of various
physiological measures, including
respiration rate, heart rate, and
galvanic skin response.
The Operator Control Center
Module was located in a separate
room from the vehicle. This
workstation included a variety of
monitors that allowed experiment-
ers to remotely monitor the
progress of experiments and to
view the projected image or the
subject. All of the electrical wiring
for the HYSIM I/O devices was
routed through the control center
to facilitate troubleshooting and
the addition of ancillary devices.
This first-generation HYSIM
represented the state of the art in
driving simulation in the United
States, and although highly sophis-
ticated for its time, it provided a
relatively sterile visual environ-
ment. The graphics-generation
module displayed roadway
delineation, and the sign genera-
tors provided highway signs.
The image was that of a flat road
at night with no surrounding
environment or other vehicles.
Even with these limitations, the
first-generation HYSIM provided a
safe, controlled driving environ-
ment and was a highly successful
test bed for numerous important
research investigations.
Many of these studies required
increased capabilities in the
HYSIM, and over the years, addi-
tional modules were added. The
Space Module, which provided the
capability to simulate active signs
and signals, was added in 1985. By
rapidly alternating between two
slides, this module allows signal
lights to change and signs to flash.
In 1988, the Vehicle Module was
added to provide another vehicle
in the scenario. This system used a
video mixer to combine the road-
way image with an image of a
model car or truck for presenta-
tion through the roadway projector.
Individual subsystems in the
HYSIM were also upgraded over
the years. The zoom range of the
sign generators was increased; the
quality of the roadway projector
was improved; the size of the
Upgraded HYSIM laboratory with visual projection system behind screen.
screen changed; and the projection
equipment was relocated to
provide rear-projection images of
better quality and brightness.
Although these changes in-
creased the utility and realism of
the HYSIM, the basic system
remained unchanged. In the early
1990s, a major system change was
made to the HYSIM, resulting in
the second-generation
By 1990, the state of
the art in computer
graphics made it
possible to cost-
effectively simulate
complex visual scenes
in real time. The
module was replaced
with a polygon-based
system. This system
allowed for display of
color images for the
roadway and the surrounding
environment, significantly enhanc-
ing the utility of the HYSIM.
The second-generation HYSIM
retains many of the features of the
original system and uses the same
basic modular design. The Com-
puter/Graphics Module is now
contained in a single system. The
second-generation HYSIM is based
Original HYSIM laboratory with visual projection
system above car cab.
Page 21
on a STAR Graphicon G2000
Image Generator using a Silicon
Graphics IRIS 4D/35TG worksta-
tion as the controlling host. This
system can display 3000 textured,
anti-aliased polygons per frame at
a 30-Hz frame rate. The worksta-
tion provides all control functions
for the experimental scenario,
performs navigational calculations,
and controls peripheral devices
and data collection. The vehicle
dynamics simulation is housed in
this system as well.
The Roadway Display Module
is fed by the image-generation
system and outputs the image
through a BarcoGraphics 1200
video projection system to a
screen placed in front of the
vehicle. The input signal is a 1280
X 1024 pixel image, which is
directly routed to the projector via
an RGB (red-green-blue) signal.
The projector is located behind
the screen and is positioned to
present an angular field of view
of approximately 70 degrees
horizontally and 35 degrees
The basic design of the Sign-
Generation Module has not
changed, but the affiliated equip-
ment is significantly more sophisti-
cated than the original. These
devices are now located behind
the rear-projection screen located
in front of the car cab. The system
now uses four Navitar 750-watt
Xenon arc lamp 35-mm random-
access slide projectors and 17:1
zoom lenses. The affiliated yaw
mirrors can move both laterally
and vertically to allow signs to rise
over a hill.
A small-scale Motion System
Module has been added to the
system. Four pneumatic pistons,
with affiliated coil springs and
shock absorbers, are located in
each wheel well of the car cab.
This system simulates the normal
vibrations experienced while
driving and can provide minimal
car cab pitch for each corner of
the car cab.
A Grass Model 12 Neuro-Data
Acquisition System has been
added to the Psychophysiological
Module to allow for conditioning
and recording of electroencephalo-
gram data.
Minor changes have been made
to the Car Cab Module to enhance
Page 22
the feel of the controls. A
high-torque servo-motor and a
system of cables and weights
have been added to increase the
realism of the steering wheel
The Sound-Generation Module,
the Operator Control Center
HYSIM Laboratory Floor Plan
CT Line Printer
[_] sai iris 4cv80aT (
Liat [=| VMEbus Expansion
Parl [=] Graphicon G2000
[_] sal iris 40v35TG
Operators Console
mirrors will allow vertical curves
to be added to HYSIM scenarios.
Other enhancements, including
the motion system and the steer-
ing wheel torque system, provide
increased face validity, and the
upgraded psychophysiological
system provides a greater range of
Desk With
Microcomputer i
Desk With Color
Graphics Monitor
Viewing Window vay Projector SIMULATOR ROOM
Module, and the Space Module are
essentially unchanged from the
original design.
The significant changes be-
tween the first- and second-
generation HYSIM have greatly
enhanced the utility of the system
for human factors research. The
new graphics system provides the
capability for simulation of
daytime scenarios that were
lacking in the original system.
Also, with the capability to pro-
duce trees, buildings, and other
environmental features, the visual
scene is much more representative
of real-world driving, and it
increases the visual loading on the
driver. The new graphics system
also permits adding up to three
other moving vehicles in the
scenario, increasing the vigilance
required by the driver, and provid-
ing a wider range of experimental
The upgraded sign generators
increase the brightness and visual
range of signs in the simulation.
The additional vertical yaw
4 Sign
data availability than the original
Ongoing HYSIM
Second-generation HYSIM
validation study
Because the second-generation
HYSIM is significantly different
from the previous version, another
validation study is required. To
ensure that results obtained in the
HYSIM are generalized to the real
world, drivers’ responses and
behaviors in the HYSIM must,
within certain design constraints,
correspond to their real-world
Subjects will drive a 15-mile
scenario encompassing various
speed limits, road delineations,
highway signs, and traffic vol-
umes—both on the road in
TFHRC's fieldtest vehicle and in
the same scenario programmed
on the HYSIM. Driver performance
measures will be collected in
both settings and systematically
rt ee
compared. This will provide a
clear understanding of HYSIM’s
validity as a research test bed and
serve as the basis for the design
and implementation of future
HYSIM enhancements.
Factors affecting vehicle
headway selection
The distance a driver travels
behind a lead vehicle is referred to
as headway. Understanding how
external factors influence head-
way selection has critical safety
and efficiency ramifications. The
amount of headway a driver
selects may function as a behav-
ior-based safety surrogate or
predictor of rear-end collisions.
Furthermore, if external highway
features influence headway
selection, highway design ele-
ments can be modified to assist
drivers in choosing appropriate
headways for specific situations.
Subjects from a variety of age
groups will drive a scenario that
encompasses a variety of roadway
features. Geometric design, envi-
ronmental complexity, and behav-
ior of other vehicles will be
manipulated to determine which
factors affect driver headway
Partial sleep deprivation and
driving performance
Extended periods of partial sleep
deprivation appear to affect
cognitive skills more than psycho-
motor skills. It is hypothesized that
operators of heavy vehicles may
be sleep-deprived on a regular
basis, and fatigue is often cited as
a contributing or causal factor in
truck accidents. Drivers of per-
sonal vehicles also operate under
conditions of partial sleep depriva-
tion, but controlled investigations
of the effect of sleep deprivation
on driving performance can be
dangerous to perform. FHWA is
planning a HYSIM study in
collaboration with staff from the
Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research to investigate the effects
of various levels of sleep depriva-
tion on driving performance.
Subjects will drive a simulator
scenario containing a number of
emergency events under both
normal sleep and partially sleep-
deprived conditions. They will be
allowed one, two, four, or eight
hours of sleep per night over the
course of several days before
participating in the second simula-
tor run. A variety of psychophysi-
ological measures, including brain
activity (electroencephalogram)
and heart rate will be collected
and analyzed. Driving perfor-
mance measures will also be
analyzed, including appropriate-
ness and reaction time for emer-
gency responses, speed, and lateral
placement. Results will delineate
the effects of various levels of
partial sleep deprivation on
driving performance.
FHWA’s Simulator Plans
HYSIM is particularly suited to the
needs of FHWA’s Human Factors
research program. Highway
signing research will remain an
important component of the
program, but the HYSIM will also
be used in other areas. Older
driver issues will continue to be
addressed in the HYSIM, as well as
important issues related to the
design of Intelligent Vehicle-
Highway Systems. Investigations
in new human factors program
areas, including hazard identifica-
tion and younger driver issues,
will also be performed in the
In the near term, HYSIM
upgrades will include the capabil-
ity of simulating vertical curves
and the continued development of
additional intelligent, interactive
vehicles that behave like real
traffic. Future longer term en-
hancements will be based on the
results of the validation study and
a careful review of research needs
in the FHWA human factors
programs. When system compo-
nents become more sophisticated
and less costly, they will be added
to the HYSIM as research needs
Over the course of HYSIM’s
development, a number of other
driving research simulators with
different capabilities have been
developed elsewhere. As needs
arise for simulation research that
requires higher fidelity or differ-
ent capabilities (such as wider
field of view or motion) than
available in HYSIM, the human
factors team will pursue other
simulators as test beds. For ex-
ample, the University of Iowa
currently operates a motion-based
driving simulator, the Iowa Driv-
ing Simulator (DS), which is being
used for ongoing FHWA research
HYSIM, in all its configurations, is
an effective research tool for
FHWA human factors investiga-
tions. Studies conducted in HYSIM
range from traffic control device
investigations to driver risk
perception studies to Intelligent
Vehicle-Highway Systems experi-
ments. HYSIM has been upgraded
over the years to enhance the
capabilities of the system and to
meet the needs of changing
research programs. Complex
human factors issues in the
Intelligent Vehicle-Highway
Systems program require further
simulation experiments, as will
older and younger driver investi-
gations and hazard identification
studies. HYSIM provides the
necessary capabilities to perform
these studies.
Human factors research at
FHWA is greatly enhanced by
HYSIM. The flexibility of the
system configuration permits a
wide variety of critical investiga-
tions of driver performance to be
performed under controlled and
safe conditions. The modular
system configuration permits the
modules to be upgraded as the
state of the art improves in vari-
ous areas. Additional modules
have been added over the years to
ensure that human factors re-
search needs are met. The new
graphics system significantly
increases HYSIM’s capabilities, and
new system upgrades will be
made to ensure that the system
continues to meet the needs of the
human factors research program.
Elizabeth Alicandri is the
manager of the Human Factors
Laboratory at the Turner-Fairbank
Highway Research Center in
McLean, Va. She works in the
Information and Behavioral
Systems Division in the Office of
the (FHWA) Associate Administra-
tor for Research and Development.
Page 23
SHRP-developed snow fence reduces blowing snow and snow plowing.
improved materials, specifica-
tions, and tests are now
becoming available as a result of
the five-year Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP). More
than 100 new products and
techniques were developed
between 1987 and 1993 through
the $150-million research program.
SHRP research was targeted to
improve highway technology in
four specific areas: asphalt, con-
crete and structures, highway
i | romising new equipment and
Improved roadway weather information systems can
help highway agencies respond more quickly and
efficiently to inclement weather conditions.
Page 24
operations, and long-term pave-
ment performance (LTPP).
All sectors of the US. highway
community worked together in
partnership to guide the research
so that the resulting products
could be moved into application
as soon as possible. Top adminis-
trators and technical experts from
state highway agencies, university-
based highway research organiza-
tions, and industry helped plan
the research program, steer its
progress, review results, and test
and refine products. SHRP oper-
ated through a
cooperative ar-
rangement among
the Federal High-
way Administra-
tion (FHWA), the
American Associa-
tion of State
Highway and
(AASHTO), and the
National Research
The Intermodal
Surface Transpor-
tation Efficiency
Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
$108 million—
administered by
FHWA over six
years—to help
states and industry
yan ror Saint
- L
put SHRP research results to work
and to continue the LTPP studies.
To accomplish this, FHWA
modified the structure of its
existing technology transfer
program to capture and continue
the cooperative spirit so success-
fully nurtured in the SHRP re-
search phase. The key features of
this modified structure are:
e Partnerships at the national and
regional/state levels.
e Showcase contracts.
e Flexibility to respond to re-
gional/state conditions.
FHWA’s SHRP Product Implemen-
tation Program encourages and
facilitates the application of
research findings that improve the
quality, efficiency, safety, perfor-
mance, and productivity of our
nation’s highway system. The
goals of the implementation
process are to:
e Ensure that the US. highway
community is fully aware of
SHRP products.
e Develop and implement short-
and long-range marketing
strategies for SHRP products,
exploiting a variety of existing
and innovative technology
transfer delivery systems.
A new test procedure
offers an alternative
method for evaluating
the freeze/thaw
resistance of concrete.
Handbook Fort
The identification Of
Alkali-Silica reactivity
in Hiahway Struciur
The stop/slow paddle with flashing
lights gets immediate attention from
SHRP-improved methods for the
sampling and testing of chlorides in
alarms warn
A handbook for the visual identification of alkali-silica Determining the water content of plastic
reactivity in concrete. concrete using a microwave oven.
PUBLIC ROADS * WINTER * 1994 Page 25
SHRP intrusion
workers of errant
Organizational Overview
The three-tier management structure of the FHWA
SHRP Product Implementation Program involves top
managers and technical experts throughout the
highway community in committees and technical
working groups (TWGs). (See figure 1.)
The first tier is composed of senior executives
who address resource allocation and long-range
policy. The second tier is made up of SHRP senior
program managers who ensure proper coordination
and policy execution within certain technical disci-
plines. The technical experts in the third tier address
detailed technical issues arising from specific re-
search or technology activities.
To pull everything together, FHWA created the
SHRP Implementation Coordination Group (SICG)
under the Research and Technology Executive Board
(RTEB). The mission of SICG is to form a working
partnership of federal, state, industrial, and academic
elements. SIGC develops policies, priorities, and
program budgets to put into practice technology
developed by SHRP. SICG’s responsibilities include:
| e Developing program and policy recommendations
for RTEB.
e Working with the Pavement Management Coordi-
nating Group and the Structures and Safety Re-
search and Technology Coordinating Groups to
advance SHRP implementation programs and
budgets to the RTEB and to develop SHRP products
for which additional research or development has
been identified by the TWGs.
Coordinating with the Transportation Research
Board (TRB)-SHRP Committee and the AASHTO
Task Force on SHRP Implementation.
Encouraging field office involvement in SHRP
Coordinating and reviewing TWG activities in
the four SHRP technical areas and in other
ongoing programs,
e Establishing priorities and identifying needed
resources for the TWGs.
TWGs operate under SICG. Just as the original
research plans for SHRP were developed by several
committees representing both management and
technical perspectives, the specifics of FHWA’s SHRP
implementation plan will be developed through
TWGs. TWGs members are managers and technical
personnel; they form a powerful partnership that
will ensure that the implementation program is
responsive to participants’ needs and environmental
TWGs will:
Assess and evaluate the SHRP products.
Prepare technology development, implementation,
and marketing strategies and associated schedules.
Aggressively execute implementation activities.
Identify specific implementation objectives and
appropriate measures of attainment.
Identify products that need further research and/
or development.
Develop SHRP implementation activities for the
action of SICG.
Provide information and identify resource needs
to SICG.
Ensure communication and coordination with and
involvement of additional technical partners,
technology users, states, AASHTO, and industry, as
Respond to queries from the TRB-SHRP Commit-
tee as appropriate.
Recommend the establishment of specific expert
task groups under the TWGs.
Review the work of expert task groups that are
addressing details of specific technologies.
Executive Boarp
____ TECHNICAL Workine Groups (TWGs)
Page 26
SHRP-developed specifications for the preventive maintenance of asphalt and
concrete pavements.
e Develop SHRP products and
techniques that are essentially
complete and can be used
with minimal training and
e Promote customer evaluation of
SHRP products that require local
materials and adaptation to
regional, state, or specific
industry practices.
e Advance promising SHRP
products and processes through
further research, development,
test and evaluation, standard
setting, and institutional aware-
e Provide technical and financial
assistance to public and private
agencies for the evaluation and
ultimate adoption of SHRP
research products.
e Provide training to use SHRP
products and initiate activities to
enhance long-range educational
e Promote activities by standard-
setting organizations such as
AASHTO, the American
Concrete Institute, and the
American Society for Testing
and Materials that enhance the
acceptability and credibility of
SHRP products.
Innovation Through
To meet the challenge of present-
ing and adopting a large amount
of technology to a wide audience
in a short period of time, FHWA
works in partnership with the
states, industry, AASHTO, the
National Research Council, and
university-based research centers.
Overall directional and technical
issues are addressed through the
committees and technical working
groups (TWGs). However, to adapt
the technology to varied regional,
state, and local conditions, the
implementation effort must
operate with a minimum level of
central oversight.
FHWA is encouraging states to
organize their own state-level
SHRP implementation committees
and to develop SHRP implementa-
tion plans. These committees
should pinpoint the products that
most interest them and establish
product-specific implementation
plans, goals, and schedules. For
example, as of June 1993, SHRP
implementation programs were
either under way or in the plan-
ning stages in Indiana, Minnesota,
Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylva-
nia, Texas, Virginia, and Washing-
ton. The state programs frequently
include a SHRP implementation
manager and a SHRP products task
force. The managers coordinate
with industry and universities in
their states and regions. They also
maintain contact with SHRP
coordinators at their FHWA
division offices, and they support
and participate in FHWA imple-
mentation activities, including the
showcase contracts described
Funds to assist state implemen-
tation activities are available
through FHWA’s Office of Tech-
nology Applications or through
federal-aid programs, where
appropriate. Determination and
use of all appropriate federal-aid
Page 27
The SHRP dynamic shear rheometer measures the stiffness of an asphalt
funds will be coordinated by the
division offices.
AASHTO plays a key role in the
application of SHRP products; it
established a task force to identify
barriers to implementation and to
make appropriate recommenda-
tions. FHWA representatives
serving on this task force will
keep AASHTO informed of
implementation activity status and
explore options for mutual assis-
tance. Additionally, to expedite the
incorporation of SHRP technology
into its national standards and
guides, AASHTO hired a SHRP
product implementation coordina-
SHRP leadership was previously
provided by an executive commit-
tee that included chief administra-
tive officers and chief engineers
from state highway agencies, top
FHWA officials, the executive
directors of major trade associa-
tions, and senior faculty members
from respected university-based
highway research organizations.
This committee lent crucial
direction and support to SHRP
during the program’s research
To ensure the continued
involvement of highway industry
Page 28
leaders, the Transportation
Research Board (TRB)—under
contract to the FHWA—has orga-
nized a new committee, the
TRB-SHRP Committee. Members
will provide guidance for the
continuing FHWA LTPP program
(a 20-year performance study, the
first five years of which were
conducted under SHRP); they will
also offer guidance on overcoming
institutional barriers to implemen-
tation of SHRP products. The TRB-
SHRP Committee will coordinate
closely with the SHRP Implemen-
tation Coordination Group.
Showcase Contracts
In the past, FHWA technology
transfer packages were delivered
to the field by a small group of
headquarters engineers. As the
agency increasingly views technol-
ogy as central to its mission—and
as more field engineers assume
technical responsibilities—a new
and bold approach to technology
transfer becomes possible.
FHWA proposes to package
SHRP technology into discreet
showcase packages and present
these to the states through the
FHWA regional structure. Specifi-
cally, contractors will develop
technology transfer packages for
groups of SHRP products and
technologies and will present
them across the country to private
One component of the SHRP SUPERPAVE is a performance-based asphalt
binder specification.
Ps ee OS
and public sector engineers in
comprehensive workshops. After
these workshops, the contractors
will develop—in conjunction with
regional technical working groups
composed of representatives of
the states, industry, and FHWA
regional and division offices—a
tailored implementation strategy.
The workshops will feature
product demonstrations, loaner
sets of equipment, videotapes,
manuals, etc. Ultimately, all SHRP
products will be highlighted in the
workshops, and recommendations
for further efforts will be provided
by the TWGs. Approximately 10
showcase packages have been
conceptualized as of this writing—
five in the area of concrete and
structures, four in highway opera-
tions, and one in asphalt.
FHWA is taking the lead to help
state and local highway agencies
r —)
The SHRP long-term pavement performance (LTPP) test pavements will
produce many tools to improve pavement management.
effectively use SHRP products. The
implementation effort must be
flexible to permit the adaptation
of these products and technology
to regional, state, and local condi-
Therefore, the implementation
program is being carried out in a
number of ways in addition to the
showcase contracts. For example,
activities related to SHRP’s asphalt
binder tests and specifications are
well under way with equipment
buys, national training, mobile
asphalt laboratories, etc. FHWA
sent an implementation work plan
for 11 of the work-zone safety
products to its regional offices,
requesting state participation in
the trial use of those products.
Also, FHWA project engineers
began implementation activities
for four LTPP spin-off products—
the Distress Identification
Manuai, the faultmeter, falling-
weight deflectometer software,
and the resilient modulus test
tel 42. —
New technology developed under
the SHRP can potentially save the
nation millions of dollars a year.
FHWA has developed an enthusi-
astic, innovative, and flexible
implementation program and is
committed to work with its
partners in the highway industry
to realize these benefits as effi-
ciently and expeditiously as
Pot Ot? et Cec
G &§¢ 6 & -
(D Implementation Plan: Strategic
Highway Research Program
Products, Publication No. FHWA-
SA-93-054, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C,
June 1993.
(2) FHWA’s Implementation Plan
for SHRP Products: Organiza-
tional Membership, Publication
No. FHWA-SA-93-055, Federal
Highway Administration, Washing-
ton, D.C, revised October 1993.
Charles J. Churilla is Federal
Highway Administration’s SHRP
Implementation Coordinator in
the Office of Technology Applica-
Page 29
Environmental Research:
by Ginny Finch
“The American public insists that
our highway program be consis-
tent with environmental goals
and values. That’s a challenge for
all of us, and the environmental
research program is a vital tool in
our effort to meet this challenge
while maintaining America’s
—Anthony R. Kane, Associate
Administrator for Program
Over the past few years, techno-
logical advancements and protect-
ing the environment have been
catalysts for change in the policies
and procedures of many federal
agencies. “Environment” has
become one of the most signifi-
cant political buzzwords of the
1980s and 90s, but for the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA),
environmental concerns are much
more than a buzzword. FHWA is
committed to contributing to an
enhanced environment with
improved tools and technologies
for alleviating highway intermodal
impacts on air quality, noise,
wetlands, hazardous waste sites,
water quality, and historic re-
This commitment is shared by
FHWA Administrator Rodney E.
Slater. “Our goal in all of our
transportation investments is long
term,” he said in a July 1993 speech
at the Pacific Rim TransTech
Conference. “We believe that, if we
invest wisely and build partner-
ships, we can spur the develop-
ment of new technologies—even
whole industries—and contribute
to a cleaner environment at the
same time.”
To accomplish this goal, the
experts involved in FHWA’s
environmental research program
Page 30
are developing research products
ranging from air quality models to
case studies of successful and
innovative highway designs. Not
only do these research products
carry out FHWA’s commitment to
the environment and mobility,
they are also designed to help
states and metropolitan areas in
their ongoing planning and project
The environmental research
program was launched on October
1, 1991, and in fiscal year 1993, the
program included 42 projects and
a budget of $4.1 million. The
program is carried out by the
Office of Environment and
ambitious agenda for multifaceted
research on specific issues in
transportation and the environ-
ment. The Denver conference not
only helped establish FHWA’s
“core” environmental research, it
also laid the foundation for FHWA
participation with TRB, the
American Association of State
Highway and Transportation
Officials, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), the USS.
Army Corps of Engineers, and
others on a variety of research
Water quality issues, air quality
concerns, and environmentally
and socially sensitive highway
“Water quality issues, air quality
concerns, and environmentally and
socially sensitive highway design
practices are three focus areas of the
environmental research program.”
Planning, whose other responsi-
bilities include drafting regula-
tions, reviewing environmental
impact statements, providing
technical assistance, and develop-
ing policies and guidance.
Many of the research projects
now underway were first identi-
fied in 1991 at a national confer-
ence in Denver co-sponsored by
FHWA and the Transportation
Research Board (TRB). The
conference, “Environmental
Research Needs in Transportation,”
brought together FHWA, other
federal agencies, state highway
agencies, local governments,
consultants, academicians, and
environmentalists, who laid out an
design practices are three focus
areas of the new research pro-
gram. In one study, ecologists are
looking at the water quality
impacts of existing highways and
further highway construction. In
another study, co-funded by the
National Academy of Sciences,
transportation and air quality
experts are investigating carbon
monoxide emissions at intersec-
tions. In still another study, re-
searchers are examining possible
highway design alternatives,
exploring solutions for specific
design problems, and identifying
creative design approaches that
are both environmentally sensitive
and safe.
Here are some details about
each of these three representative
The passage of the 1991
Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and earlier
technological changes, such as the
introduction of unleaded gasoline,
have stimulated new interest in
the study of water quality prob-
lems associated with highway use.
To meet the new challenge—to
accurately predict impacts and
develop effective mitigation
techniques—the “Highways and
Water Resources” research team is
developing improved evaluation
methods and innovative “best
management” tools. Nationally and
internationally, the team is looking
at the “bigger picture’—the way in
which highway water quality and
storm water issues are part of all
water resource problems associ-
ated with highways. These re-
searchers are also coordinating
with other agencies to ensure that
both FHWA and states’ policies
and procedures are consistent
with federal storm water and non-
point source pollution policies.
When the project is completed in
about six years, researchers will
know much more about the best
ways to control ground water
pollution from highway sources.
They will have quantifiable
information about the effects of
deicing chemicals on aquifers.
They will also be able to develop
hydrogeological guidelines for
wetland restoration. And they will
understand more clearly how to
treat and dispose of lead paint
debris so it will not contaminate
water supplies and resources.
Just as technology and the
passage of ISTEA have renewed
interest in water quality research,
passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act
Amendments has created new
challenges. To meet the standards
of the act for maximum carbon
monoxide (CO) levels, the states
must not only avoid violations,
they must also actively seek to
reduce the number and severity
of violations. FHWA and the
National Academy of Science’s
National Cooperative Highway
Research Program have launched
a three-year study of highway
intersections, using EPA “hot spot
guidelines” to develop computer
models. At six to eight intersec-
tions throughout the country,
researchers will study how air
moves, how traffic moves, and
how engines operate. Project
designers chose intersections on
heavily traveled roads, since these
locations tend to have the highest
CO concentrations. They will
examine the affects of “queue
reinforced by ISTEA, which allows
state highway agencies greater
flexibility in highway design. To
make design professionals more
aware of the broad range of
design options, project researchers
will develop a handbook and case
studies detailing innovative solu-
tions to certain design conflicts.
They will also create a catalog of
“We must work together to save
wetlands and at the same time explore
transportation alternatives that reduce
the need for more roads.”
—Secretary of Transportation Federico Pefia
length” (number of cars stopped),
wind speed, time of day, amount
of sunlight, temperature, traffic
speed, and acceleration rates on
the concentration of CO. As a
result of this study, states and
metropolitan planning organiza-
tions (MPOs) will be better able to
predict and minimize the impacts
of traffic on air quality.
Like the air quality intersection
project, “Improving Aesthetic
Design Elements of Urban, Subur-
ban, and Rural Roads” will aid
decision-making. The project will
help engineers design highways
that create a “sense of place’—for
example, retaining scenic and
historic features along roads
where safety standards must be
upgraded. The timeliness of this
highway design research project is
visual design approaches—a
catalog that includes a multimedia,
computerized version and a video.
The entire effort is aimed at
helping states improve and en-
hance their highway designs
without compromising the safety
of pedestrians, bicyclists, and
The environmental research
program is a “strategic transporta-
tion investment.” It is a young
program that will soon be paying
big dividends, enabling states and
MPOs to implement cost-effective
strategies to simultaneously
enhance mobility and protect the
Ginny Finch is a program
analyst and communications
specialist in
Division. She
recently created
a 40-page,
color brochure,
and Highways:
A Natural
30,000 copies of
which were
Page 31
Looking for a
Few Good IDEAs
by K. Thirumalai
The Innovations Deserving Explor-
atory Analysis (IDEA) Program of
the National Research Council’s
(NRC) Transportation Research
Board (TRB) is designed to nur-
ture innovative concepts for
technologies, systems, methods,
and processes for application to
highway and intermodal transpor-
tation practice.
The IDEA program approach
was first implemented as part of
the five-year Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP) from
1987-1993. The new TRB IDEA
program adopts several of the
successful features of SHRP-IDEA
and applies them to solicit a broad
range of technical innovations for
highways, intelligent vehicle-
highway systems (IVHS), and
transit systems. The program
provides an excellent opportunity
for proposing innovative ap-
proaches for transportation
systems and for transferring
advanced technologies that have
not yet been applied, tested, or
used in the highway or intermodal
transportation practice.
Any individual or institution in
the United States or from abroad
is eligible to submit proposals to
the following three IDEA program
e National Cooperative Highway
Research Program (NCHRP)
IDEA Program. The NCHRP
IDEA Program is funded by the
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) and state highway
agencies in cooperation with the
American Association of State
Highway Transportation Offi-
seeks to introduce new tech-
nologies, methods, or processes
for application to highways and
Page 32
intermodal surface transporta-
tion through the development
and testing of nontraditional
and innovative concepts.
e Transit IDEA Program. The
Transit IDEA Program is funded
by a cooperative agreement
with the Federal Transit Admin-
istration (FTA) and the Transit
Development Corporation
(TDC). Transit IDEA is designed
to foster the development and
application of innovative
technologies, methods, manage-
ment processes, materials and
systems for application to transit
e IVHS IDEA Program. The IVHS
IDEA Program is funded by the
FHWA and the National High-
way Traffic Safety Administra-
tion (NHTSA) of the Depart-
ment of Transportation (DOT).
IVHS IDEA is designed to
produce new concepts and
innovative products that would
accelerate the development and
implementation of IVHS in the
nation’s highways, vehicles, and
intermodal surface transporta-
tion and transit systems.
Proposals submitted under any
of the IDEA programs should have
one or more of the following
e Technically credible but un-
proven concept that may
require high-risk investigation to
prove its feasibility but offers
potential for significant break-
through and large payoffs.
e A concept that offers the
potential for advancing the state
of the art of IVHS, highway and
transit systems, or one that may
emerge into new areas for
followup research by a national
e An advanced method, technique,
developed for other lindane
such as aerospace engineering,
material processes, information,
computers, robotics, and auto-
mation, but not yet tested,
applied, or available to IVHS,
highway, transit, or multimodal
transportation systems.
Two types of IDEA proposals
are available. A Feasibility Phase
(Type I) IDEA investigation would
include an evaluation of an
innovative technical concept for
which adequate knowledge,
technical information, or data are
not currently available. An Ad-
vanced Testing Phase (Type ID
IDEA investigation would perform
a larger scale test or field testing
of a proven feasible concept.
All IDEA awards typically are
fixed price contracts not to exceed
$100,000 and must be completed
within 12 months. Cost sharing is
encouraged but is not a require-
ment for IDEA proposals. Re-
searchers from all disciplines and
with no prior experience in
transportation research or systems
development are encouraged to
submit IDEA proposals.
Individuals interested in one or
more of the IDEA programs may
request copies by phoning the
IDEA Program Office at (202)
334-3568 or by writing to
Dr. K. Thirumalai, IDEA Program
Manager, Transportation
Research Board, 2101 Constitution
Ave, N.W, Washington, D.C.
Dr. K. Thirumalai is the
IDEA Program Manager for the
Transportation Research Board.
The National
by Donald Tuggle
Quality Management (QM) is a
broad term for the overall process
of ensuring quality products.
Within the highway community, it
encompasses such issues as
contractor/consultant process
control, owner acceptance issues,
personnel qualifications and
training, information management
systems, performance-related
specifications, innovative contract-
ing practices to achieve quality,
incentive/disincentive provisions,
performance recognition, im-
proved materials/tests/equipment,
and quality improvement tech-
niques. A formalized QM program
can be applied to all aspects
of highway engineering and
FHWA Demonstration
Project No. 89 Workshop
In 1989, the Federal Highway
Administration’s (FH WA’s) Con-
struction and Maintenance Divi-
sion began discussions with the
Office of Technology Applications
to initiate a demonstration project
(DP) on QM that would both
reemphasize earlier concepts and
address the broader topic of total
quality management, which had
just begun to receive widespread
As the first activity under DP
No. 89, FHWA sponsored a work-
shop (held on December 12-13,
1990) for approximately 30 top
leaders in the QM field from state
highway agencies, the construc-
tion industry, construction associa-
tions, academia, and FHWA.
Workshop attendees made the
following specific recommendations:
e A broad-based national initiative
on quality is essential.
e Top management’s understand-
ing and commitment to quality
products and delivery is critical.
e A national statement or policy
should be a part of an initiative
to show national commitment.
This posture should be devel-
oped jointly by FHWA, Ameri-
can Association of State High-
way and Transportation Offi-
cials (AASHTO), and industry
e FHWA should provide leader-
ship in launching a national
initiative on quality.
e One element of this initiative
should be a DP focused on
construction and materials
e A major emphasis should be
placed on a partnership be-
tween designers, owners, con-
tractors, and suppliers in achiev-
ing quality results.
e Technical skills and tools
(including certification programs
such as sound, statistical specifi-
cations and a long-term commit-
ment to technical training) are
essential, and they should be
e A long-range plan for imple-
menting a national initiative on
quality should also be devel-
oped and followed.
Workshop participants also
suggested the establishment of a
panel of top managers from
FHWA, AASHTO, and various
industries to address the broad
issue of quality improvement in
the highway community and to
discuss the need, form, and con-
tent of a national policy on
highway quality.
Following the DP No. 89
workshop, the AASHTO Standing
Quality Initiative
Committee on Highways (SCOH)
on June 9, 1991, stated AASHTO’s
commitment to a “Constructive
Quality Assurance Initiative” with
FHWA and the construction
industry and took several other
actions aimed at the overall
improvement of highway con-
struction quality.
Following the creation of the
National Quality Initiative (NOD
Steering Committee, the newly
elected president of AASHTO,
Wayne Muri, declared he would
break with AASHTO’s tradition of
creating multiple emphasis areas
for the year. He declared that
there would be but one emphasis
during his tenure and that would
simply be Quality.
Early NQI Activities
The first meeting of the steering
committee was held in January
1992 during the Annual Transpor-
tation Research Board Meeting.
The focus of the effort, which
started out primarily in the
construction arena, was soon
broadened to include all aspects of
the constructed product, since
each phase of the project is
dependent on the previous phase
in order to advance a quality end-
product to the highway user.
The joint FHWA/AASHTO/
industry steering committee
currently consists of the following
American Association of State
Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO)
American Consulting Engineers
Council (ACEC)
American Concrete Pavement
Association (ACPA)
Associated General Contractors of
America (AGCA)
Page 33
American Public Works
Association (AP WA)
American Road and Transportation
Builders Association (ARTBA)
Federal Highway Administration
National Asphalt Pavement Asso-
ciation (NAPA)
National Ready-Mixed Concrete
Association (NRMCA)
During that meeting, the
steering committee established the
mission for the NQI. The ultimate
goal would be to place a national
emphasis—from all corners of the
highway industry—on producing
quality products. The overall
objectives of the NQI are:
e Improving the technical quality
of the nation’s transportation
systems and responsiveness to
public needs.
e Increasing the strength and
competitiveness of the US.
transportation industry in the
global marketplace through
quality emphasis and improve-
e Advancing the quality of trans-
portation delivery systems
through partnership efforts
among FHWA, AASHTO, indus-
try, and academia.
e Maximizing the use of transpor-
tation investment through better
system and product perfor-
e Encouraging technological
developments and innovations
through quality incentives.
An implementation strategy
was then developed. First, a
“National Policy on the Quality of
Highways” would be developed to
establish some of the common
quality principles among the
associations and to create a
partnering agreement indicating a
unified industry approach and
commitment toward quality
products. The second phase of the
NQI involved a series of seminars
with the objective of educating
managers on quality principles
and the importance of technical
excellence to achieve a quality
The first of the seminar series
was the November 10, 1992,
“Partnerships for Quality” seminar
Page 34
held at the Dallas/Fort Worth
Hyatt Airport Hotel. Nearly 250
top state highway officials, FHWA
managers, and key industry
officials attended the seminar,
where the newly formed “National
Policy on the Quality of High-
ways” was signed.
The policy concludes by saying,
“The development and preserva-
tion of a high-quality highway
system requires a close partner-
ship between all stakeholders;
therefore, the undersigned organi-
zations have cooperatively devel-
oped this national policy and will
strive to fulfill its principles.” In
fact, the element of cooperation
among each of the participating
organizations has been the corner-
overview of quality management
and provide a synopsis of the
technical tools available. Training
courses can be developed for
project-level personnel from both
the public and private sectors with
those technical tools.
A memorandum to FHWA field
offices is being developed that
outlines the suggested process for
each state to follow in developing
a state-level quality initiative. This
memorandum will also state that
DP No. 89 will provide financial
assistance in conducting these
seminars. The level of this assis-
tance will be at least $5000 per
state. This funding will be pro-
vided by FHWA.
The steering committee believes
NQI is a partnership of AASHTO,
industry, and FHWA to place a national
emphasis—from all corners of the
highway industry—on producing
quality products.
stone of the success of the NQI to
date. The national seminar was
funded under the National Coop-
erative Highway Research Pro-
Next, there were four followup
“NQI Regional Quality Seminars”
(one per AASHTO region) held in
April and May of 1993. Approxi-
mately 1200 top career state
highway agency (SHA) personnel,
FHWA mid-level managers, local
governments, industry representa-
tives, academicians, consultants,
suppliers, and others attended
these regional seminars. There has
been very good feedback received
from these seminars that were
funded by FHWA.
Current and Future
Beginning in the fall of 1993, the
SHAs will receive technically
oriented workshop materials,
references, and training aids to
allow the program to be presented
around the country to a broader
range of mid-level managers.
These workshops will provide an
it is important to market the NQI
and the subject of quality both
within and outside the highway
community. One element of a
marketing plan that is already
being pursued by the steering
committee is the development of a
videotape on the NQI effort. This
can be used in the state-level
seminars as well as for the other
In addition, congressionally
mandated studies on quality
(Sections 1043 and 6014) in the
Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act of 1991 indicate
increased attention to the quality
issue by members of Congress.
At a meeting held in April 1993,
the steering committee developed
an initial long-range plan to move
into some of the more pervasive
quality issues in the highway
industry. This long-range plan is
intended to be a flexible docu-
ment that will be modified as
necessary. The initial plan was
conceived to provide a long-
term commitment to continuous
improvement rather than a
short-term program or merely
increased emphasis.
Some of the overall objectives
of the long-range plan include:
e Considering international
applications and technology for
possible use.
e Building regional and national
consensus on issues in this
country that may enhance cost,
quality, and performance of our
highway system. This includes
such issues as specifications,
designs and design assumptions,
training and certification re-
quirements, laboratory quality
control requirements and
accreditation, and so forth.
e Improving the technology and
technology sharing through
research, training, incentives,
demonstration, and use of
information-sharing techniques.
e Heightening awareness for the
need for quality and encourag-
ing the use of quality improve-
ment techniques, partnering, and
state-of-the-art planning, design,
construction, and maintenance
techniques in the highway
e Providing a followup mecha-
nism for Transportation Circular
386 on “Innovative Contracting
Practices” to explore new ways
of contracting and providing
increased quality and quality
incentives in the highway
The specifics of certain ele-
ments of the long-range plan are
still in the development stage;
however, a number of workshops
are being planned to address some
of the issues identified. Separate
efforts are also underway in the
areas of training and information
sharing. Funding and responsible
organization will be identified in
the plan. FHWA will support
many of these activities under
DP No. 89.
FHWA Future Actions
FHWA has been a major force
behind the NQI effort, however,
we have emphasized throughout
this process that this is a coopera-
tive effort of the entire highway
industry. It is essential to the long-
term success of the NQI that it not
be viewed as one organization’s
program. Top management sup-
port for the partnership of federal
and state agencies and the private
sector will be needed to ensure
that the momentum that has
recently begun will continue.
While it is recognized that each
party must maintain their separate
responsibilities, the NQI has
demonstrated that this diverse
highway industry group can work
successfully toward achieving a
common goal. The ultimate goal
for FHWA is to continue to foster
this long-term partnership ap-
proach in the highway industry
and to maximize the public
investment through an emphasis
on quality
Donald Tuggle is in the Con-
struction and Maintenance Divi-
sion of FHWA’s Office of Program
Development. He is also the
secretary of the NQI Steering
National Quality Initiative
Steering Committee
AASHTO Representatives:
* Dwight M. Bower, Dep. Dir, Colo. Dept. of Highways
Ken Morefield, State Highway Engr. Fla. DOT
Gary Robinson, State Engineer, Ariz. DOT
Don Lucas, Chief Highway Engr, Ind. DOT
Joseph Filippino, Dir, Bureau of Construction and Materials,
Wayne Murphy, State Construction Engr, Minn. DOT
Gary Robson, Dir. Materials Div, W.Va. DOT
Jim McManus, Dep. Chief Engr. Div. of State/Local Project
Development, Calif. DOT
Industry Representatives:
Peter K.W. Wert, V.P, Haskell Lemon Construction Co, AGC
William R. Cape, Pres, James Cape & Sons Co, ARTBA
Richard D. Gaynor, Exec. Dir, NRMCA
Michael Acott, Pres, NAPA
Sanford P. LaHue, Dir. of Engineering Highways, ACPA
Richard Sparlin, Sr. VP, Centennial Engineering, ACEC
APWA Representative:
R. Giancola, Bureau Chief, Highways and Transportation,
Frederick County
FHWA Representatives:
E. Dean Carlson, Exec. Dir.
William Weseman, Chief, Construction and Maintenance Div.
Thomas Ptak, Regional Administrator, Region 9
Donald Tuggle, Construction and Maintenance Div. FHWA
* indicates co-chairman
Page 35
“Along the Road” is a hodgepodge of items of general
interest to the highway community. But this is more
than a miscellaneous section; “Along the Road” ts the
place to look for information about current and up-
coming activities, developments, and trends. This
information comes from Federal Highway Adminis-
tration (FHWA) sources unless otherwise indicated.
Your suggestions and input are welcome. Let's meet
along the road.
Workshops on Motor Carrier Safety Rating
Process Held Around the Country
FHWA has scheduled eight one-day workshops around
the country from November 30 through March 24, 1994,
to seek ideas about how the motor carrier safety rating
process could be improved. The Office of Motor Carri-
ers wants to hear industry opinions on the current rat-
ing system as well as other possible approaches. The
office is also currently reviewing the existing evalua-
tion process, including the possibility of self-assessment
Georgia DOT is Developing Rideshare Program
for the Atlanta Region
A team is developing an interim rideshare program for
the Atlanta region. In early 1994, this program will tran-
sition into the Atlanta Regional Rideshare Program that
will tie together rideshare efforts that are underway by
the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT), the
Atlanta Regional Commission, the Atlanta Chamber of
Commerce, and the Olympic Planning Committee.
Federal Lands Highway Office and
Forest Service Meet
On November 16-18, representatives from the Federal
Lands Highway Office met with the Forest Service in
Denver, Colo., to discuss the October 5, 1993, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking for the Forest Highway Program.
The rule pertains to transportation planning (including
designation of routes, inventory and condition, and
bridge, pavement, and management systems), design,
construction, and maintenance activities.
Travel Demand Management (TDM)
Symposium Held
FHWA, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and
the Transportation Research Board (TRB) cosponsored
“Setting a Strategic Agenda for Travel Demand Manage-
ment (TDM)” on November 15-16 in Arlington, Va. More
than one hundred experts in the demand management
area participated in presentations, discussions, and work-
shops designed to develop ideas, options, and recom-
mendations to advance the state of TDM into the next
FHWA Sponsors
Incident Management Conference
FHWA sponsored a one-day Incident Management Con-
ference in Buffalo, N.Y, on November 12. One of more
than a dozen conferences held nationwide, this confer-
ence attracted several hundred participants from fed-
eral, state, and local governments, as well as police, fire
departments, and trucking firms. In an effort to assist
Buffalo with its incident management, Demo 86 (a three-
day incident management course sponsored by the
Office of Technology Applications) will be offered in
the spring.
Missouri Chief Engineer and
Assistant Chief Engineer Announce Retirement
On November 5, Chief Engineer Wayne Muri and Assis-
tant Chief Engineer Walt Vandelicht announced their
retirements effective June 30 and March 1, respectively.
Muri, a 38-year veteran of the Missouri DOT, also served
as president of the American Association of State High-
way and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) during the
past year. Vandelicht has been with the department for
44 years.
1994 DOT Appropriations Act
Restricts Use of Federal Funds for Metric Signs
Section 331 of Fiscal Year (FY) 1994 DOT Appropria-
tions Act, signed by President Clinton, restricts use of
funds for highway signs using metric measurements.
FHWA still plans to develop a policy to ensure that
uniform metric units and practices such as this one-
year moratorium on the funding of metric signs should
not affect the progress made by FHWA and the states
in other areas of the program. Also, there is no prohibi-
tion that precludes the states from using their own funds
to erect or modify signs with messages using metric
First ISTEA Roundtable Held in Connecticut
On November 5, Deputy Secretary of Transportation
Mortimer Downey and a team from the US. DOT, in-
cluding the deputy administrators of FHWA and FTA,
conducted the first of a nationwide series of meetings
addressing the implementation of the Intermodal Sur-
face Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The
meeting was held at the University of Hartford in Hart-
ford, Conn. Approximately 100 state and local officials,
business leaders, planners, and citizens from through-
out New England discussed the progress being made
under ISTEA and shared their concerns and issues that
have developed during the first two years under ISTEA.
A second roundtable is scheduled for November 17 in
New York City.
Page 36
enh get SA em
New U.S. DOT Civil Rights Director
Discusses Initiatives
Antonio J. Califa, the new Director of Civil Rights for
the U.S. DOT, visited the Volpe National Transportation
Systems Center in Cambridge, Mass, on November 5,
and he used the opportunity to briefly discuss the DOT
secretary’s initiatives on civil rights issues. Most nota-
bly, Califa indicated that he intended to increase the
civil rights activities of his office, and he expressed his
interest in addressing sexual harassment incidents and
taking a proactive approach toward promoting diver-
sity within DOT.
Partnering Is a Key to Quality in New Jersey
On November 4 about 200 contractors, consultants, state
and federal officials met in Princeton, NJ., for a jointly
sponsored Partnering Seminar. This was an initiative
flowing from the National Quality Initiative (NQD re-
gional meeting last summer in Monticello, N.Y, and will
be followed by another NQI program for New Jersey in
February 1994. At this meeting, there were presenta-
tions about partnering from the owner and contractor
perspectives and a three-hour feedback session that
enabled everyone to get their “hands-on” partnering.
Currently, New Jersey has six projects with partnering,
and state officials plan to expand that number.
Russian and U.S. Engineers Collaborate on
The first phase of a $340-million, World Bank loan to
Russia will involve 200 to 300 kilometers of four-lane
roads that are to be designed by a team of Russian and
US. engineers this winter. By March 1994, contracts will
be awarded for road repair and rehabilitation work on
Russian highways.
Executive Council of Civil Rights Directors
On November 3, civil rights personnel from the eight
states in Region 4 met and organized an Executive Coun-
cil of Civil Rights Directors. The purpose of the council
is to: (1) advocate civil rights programs, (2) promote
accountability and awareness among federal and state
administrators, (3) act as a resource group for the ex-
change of ideas, resolution of problems, and sharing of
information, and (4) achieve the basic philosophies of
all civil rights legislation and ensure equitable distribu-
tion of federal and state programs. The council was
also given a presentation on a pilot, regional program
to assist disadvantaged businesses in getting contracts
with state DOTs.
Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Violations
Have Decreased Significantly
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released
its 1992 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends
Report on November 2. The report reveals a decrease
of 65 percent in violations of ozone standards and
94 percent fewer violations of the carbon monoxide
standards since 1983, despite a 37-percent increase in
vehicle miles traveled. The report also noted a decrease
in lead emissions.
FHWA, BTS, and Others Undertake Review
of European Travel Survey Techniques
On November 2, a six-country European visit by a re-
view team to discuss various issues related to national
travel surveys was recently completed. The visits to
England, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, France, and
Germany by representatives of FHWA, Bureau of Trans-
portation Statistics (BTS), and state and metropolitan
planning organizations provided valuable input in the
planning of the 1995 Nationwide Personal Transporta-
tion Survey as well as the 1995 National Passenger Flow
Study planned by the BTS. US. procedural techniques
compared favorably with the European experience;
however, there was a significant difference in the level
of funding with the Europeans devoting more money
to this area than the United States.
Maryland State Highway Association
Wins Governor’s Quality Award
On November 1, the Maryland State Highway Adminis-
tration was announced as the winner of the Governor’s
Quality Award. This eight-year-old, total quality program
is based on customer service, participation, continuous
improvement, and measurement.
Swedish Representatives Meet with FHWA
Swedish Road Administration officials met with FHWA
representatives on November 1 to discuss their Intelli-
gent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS) research work
and view electronic toll- collection operations on Route
400 in Atlanta, Ga. The Swedish IVHS work is in coop-
eration with the European Community Programs,
Interagency Agreement Implementing ISTEA
Provisions Is Signed
FHWA Administrator Slater and the Director of the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) signed an inter-
agency agreement on October 29, implementing ISTEA
provisions relative to Public Lands Highways on nearly
122 million hectares of public lands with a specific
emphasis on transportation planning and resource
National Quality Initiative Steering Committee
On October 27-28, the National Quality Initiative (NOD
Steering Committee met in Detroit, Mich., following the
Annual American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Meeting. Forty states
have indicated definite plans to hold state-level NQI
seminars in the near future. At the meeting, AASHTO
Page 37
approved formation of a “Standing Committee on Qual-
ity.” The NQI Steering Committee foresees a need to
coordinate with this committee as well as with other
permanent committees on quality in NQI member or-
ganizations. Also, the Steering Committee is finalizing a
long-range plan that details a number of future NQI
IVHS Representatives Meet
with Metropolitan Transportation Officials
On October 23, FHWA IVHS staffers and IVHS AMERICA
officials met with representatives of 13 metropolitan
planning organizations (MPOs) from 10 different states
and the District of Columbia to discuss the role of MPOs
in moving IVHS forward in their jurisdictions. [VHS
AMERICA is offering free one-year memberships to
MPOs and other local government entities to facilitate
Although there were no major bridge failures along the
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers during the great flood of
1993, long-term stream stability problems on tributaries
caused damage to several bridges. At top, lateral
migration of the Nemaha River channel in Nebraska
resulted in the collapse of a bridge on state Route 8. At
bottom, the bridge over Brushy Creek on lowa state
Route 71 is a classic example of failure caused by
abutment scour.
their involvement, which is vital to the ultimate suc-
cess of IVHS.
FHWA/EPA Sponsor Symposium
on Reuse of Construction Materials and
On October 19-22, FHWA and EPA sponsored “Recov-
ery and Effective Reuse of Discarded Materials and By-
Products for Construction of Highway Facilities” in
Denver, Colo. Representatives from nine companies
presented products ranging from recycled plastic posts
and delineators to retaining walls made from scrap tire
rubber to the more than 150 people in attendance.
Florida Motorists Can Call Highway Patrol
for Free
On October 22, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and
Florida DOT began a joint effort with GTE Mobilnet to
allow motorists with cellular phones to call FHP with-
out charge to report suspicious activity, hazardous road
conditions, or request help. Currently, the service is avail-
able in 17 counties across west central Florida. Signs
will be placed along the roadside. The agencies hope to
make this service available statewide.
FHWA Issues Guidance On Wetlands
and Other Waters of the United States
On October 19, FHWA issued guidance to the field con-
cerning recent changes to the rules governing Section
404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates placement
of fill in wetlands and other waters of the United States.
The changes, published jointly by EPA and the Corps
of Engineers on August 25, are effective immediately.
An example of a rule change that could affect trans-
portation-related activities is the exclusion of most high-
way drainage ditches as regulated wetlands. The pur-
pose of this new rule and others is to close several loop-
holes in the existing regulation and expand wetland
Gold Medal Presented to Flood Relief Workers
The Secretary of Transportation’s Award for Outstand-
ing Achievement, the “Gold Medal,” was presented on
October 19 to all DOT employees who assisted in the
Midwest flood relief efforts. Secretary Pefia acknowl-
edged employees who contributed in numerous ways,
including rescuing individuals trapped by rising water,
reviewing washed-out roads and bridges, organizing
delivery of emergency supplies and equipment, pro-
viding transportation coordination around the clock,
and preparing daily updates on the impact of the flood
on transportation systems. The secretary presented a
Gold Medal to Ken Jensen, FHWA Regional Administra-
tor for Region 7, as the representative of other FHWA
employees and for Jensen’s personal efforts. Jensen was
the focal point in Region 7 (lowa, Kansas, Missouri, and
Page 38
Se OT i i I .
Nebraska) for all of DOT’s emergency activities per-
taining to highways, aviation, water, and rail.
Road Construction Costs Decline
for Second Quarter of 1993
FHWA announced that highway construction costs de-
creased 0.6 percent in the second quarter of 1993. The
second quarter results lowered the FHWA’s composite
index for highway construction costs to 109 percent of
the 1987 base index (1987 average costs equal 100 per-
cent). Decreases in the unit prices for portland cement
concrete, bituminous concrete, and structural steel low-
ered the index for the quarter. There were increases in
the unit prices for common excavation, reinforced steel,
and structural concrete.
Alabama Law Outlawing Tinted Windows
Is Unconstitutional
In mid-October, the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals
ruled that the State Vehicle Window Tinting Statute
prohibiting window tinting “to the extent or manufac-
tured in such a way that occupants of the vehicle can-
not be easily identified or recognized” was unconstitu-
tional. The court also stated that the “.. promulgation of
the rule was an unconstitutional usurpation of the
legislature’s authority to make law.”
Committee Recommends
Regional Traffic Information Center
On October 12, the Advisory Committee for the Tampa
Bay Area Early Deployment Project conducted its final
meeting. The study, funded by Section 6058 of ISTEA,
was initiated a year ago with the intent of outlining an
integrated transportation information system for the
Tampa Bay area. The final report recommends the con-
struction of a regional, real-time traffic information cen-
ter that would display a real-time, regional congestion
map, color-coded to indicate degrees of congestion. Ef-
forts to implement the recommendations of the com-
mittee are currently underway.
Bond-Financing Symposium Conducted
FHWA, in conjunction with the FTA and the Office of
the Secretary of Transportation, sponsored a one-day
symposium, “Bond-Financing and Transportation Infra-
structure: Exploring Concepts and Roles,” in Washing-
ton, D.C, on September 28. More than 100 people repre-
senting virtually every DOT mode, Congress, the Of-
fice of Management and Budget, other federal agen-
cies, states, and other experts shared their perspectives.
The symposium focused on the fundamentals of the
tax-exempt bond market and transportation infrastruc-
ture, intergovernmental perspectives, and bond-financ-
ing mechanisms, such as credit enhancement and re-
volving funds. A number of followup topics will be
considered by FHWA and the other sponsors. The
symposium will be summarized in the FHWA “Search-
ing for Solutions” policy series. The summary will be
available in February 1994. Mr. Tom Howard may be
contacted on 202-366-2833 for additional information.
South Carolina Plans First Statewide Safety
On October 15, representatives of the South Carolina
Department of Public Safety met with local FHWA and
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) officials to begin preparing for South Carolina’s
first statewide highway safety conference. The confer-
ence will be held on March 6-9, 1994, in Myrtle Beach,
and will address a wide range of highway, driver, and
vehicular safety issues. The goals of the conference are
to build community safety networks and to enhance
ongoing efforts in the areas of public education, techni-
cal assistance, and information sharing.
Caltrans Receives APTA Award
In mid-October, the American Public Transit Associa-
tion presented the California DOT (Caltrans) with its
Public Agency Award for its accomplishments in the
field of multimodalism. Caltrans hopes this award will
be one more step in changing the public perception of
Caltrans as “just a highway agency.”
Intermodal Management System Scoping Study
In mid-October, the Port of Portland, working with the
Oregon DOT, metropolitan officials, and FH WA, selected
a consultant to conduct a scoping study for Oregon’s
Intermodal Management System (IMS). The study, which
is scheduled for completion in late December, will pro-
duce a scope of work that will be used for a Request
for Proposals to develop a statewide IMS.
Idaho Consortium Agreement Signed
On October 15, the Idaho Transportation Department,
FHWA, Idaho Engineering Laboratory, and the Univer-
sity of Idaho signed an agreement to form a consor-
tium for advanced transportation research.
Groundbreaking for Transportation
Technology Center in Idaho
A groundbreaking for the National Center for Advanced
Transportation Technology was held on the University
of Idaho campus on October 15. This center was funded
under the ISTEA of 1991 with matching funds coming
from private sources. Construction is expected to start
in the spring of 1994.
Mississippi Wins Kudos for Seat Belt Program
Mississippi's seat belt program, “Get it on Mississippi,”
was awarded one gold and two silver Awards for Ex-
cellence in Public Affairs Programs by the International
Association of Business Communicators.
Yakima Indians Exempted
from Washington State Gasoline Tax
Early in October, a US. district court judge granted a
Page 39
preli- minary injunction against collection of gasoline
taxes from members of the Yakima Indian Nation who
buy fuel at a reservation store. However, the judge or-
dered the business and the Yakima Indian Nation to
post a bond for $20,000—an amount equal to the total
annual taxes—pending trial on the issue next year. The
state’s 23-cents-per-gallon tax will continue to be col-
lected on gasoline sales to non-Indians. The tribe con-
tends that Congress never granted authority to the state
to collect gas taxes from tribal members on the reser-
vation. The tribe also argued that the collection of state
gas taxes would place an unfair burden on tribal busi-
nesses because the tribe collects its own gasoline tax of
5.5 cents/gallon.
Japanese Delegates Attend
Advanced Technology Workshop in Virginia
The Second US./Japan Workshop on Advanced Tech-
nology in Highway Engineering and US. Study Tour
was held on October 10-18. Nine Japanese delegates from
the Ministry of Construction and the Public Works Re-
search Institute and more than 50 representatives from
FHWA met on October 11 at the Airlie Conference Cen-
ter in Virginia to present ongoing activities and define
areas for joint cooperation. On October 12, representa-
tives met at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research
Center (TFHRC) in McLean, Va. to summarize the dis-
cussions and finalize future plans. Following the work-
shop, the Japanese delegation, accompanied by repre-
sentatives from TFHRC and the FHWA Office of Inter-
national Programs, conducted a study tour to Boston,
Minneapolis, and Los Angeles. A wide variety of topics
were covered including the design and construction of
Boston’s Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel, the 3M
Transportation Center, the Minnesota MNRoad project,
the intermodal facilities at the Port of Long Beach, the
newly-opened Glenn Anderson (Century) Freeway, and
During the OECD strategic planning seminar,
international transportation research directors tour the
Federal Outdoor Impact Laboratory at the Turner-
Fairbank Highway Research Center.
the IVHS-related research being conducted by Hughes
FHWA Kicks Off Development of IVHS
FHWA kicked off the first phase of the U.S. DOT’s IVHS
Architecture Development Program on October 12 at
DOT Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This was the
first time that all four successful bidders met with the
program team, which includes representatives from
FHWA, NHTSA, FTA, the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), and
the MITRE Corporation. During the course of the three-
day meeting, the contractor teams were briefed on de-
tails of the IVHS architecture program, as well as other
significant IVHS efforts that will have to be considered
during architecture development. The four contractor
consortia are headed by Hughes Aircraft Company, IBM
Federal Systems, Rockwell International, and the
Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Strategic Planning Seminar Opens
International transportation research directors as-
sembled at the TFHRC on October 4 for the opening of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and De-
velopment (OECD) Seminar on Strategic Planning for
Road Research Programs. Following their introduction
to the US. highway research programs, the group moved
to Williamsburg, Va. for the continuation of the semi-
nar through October 8.
Federal-Aid Sanctions Imposed
Federal-aid withholding sanctions affecting funds for
the National Highway System (NHS), Surface Transpor-
tation Program (STP), and Interstate Construction and
Maintenance, as specified in 23 U.S.C. 159 (Drug Offend-
ers Drivers License Suspension), have been imposed
against the 11 states that are not in compliance. Twenty-
eight states are not in compliance with 23 USC. 153
(Safety Belt and Motorcycle Helmet Use) and, there-
fore, are subject to transfer penalties that affect NHS,
STP, and Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality apportion-
ments beginning in FY 1995. Additionally, since Puerto
Rico does not have a law establishing the minimum
drinking age at 21 years, a 10-percent withholding pen-
alty has been applied to its FY 1994 NHS, STP, and In-
terstate Maintenance apportionments.
Florida Rest Areas/ Welcome Centers
Get 24-Hour Armed Security
The Florida DOT has contracted with a private secu-
rity firm to provide 24-hour security protection at all
of its rest areas and welcome centers. Those rest areas
without facilities will be closed. The security firm re-
placed state law enforcement officers who were as-
signed to rest areas immediately after a foreign tourist
was fatally shot at a rest area. As an added measure, the
one-mile advance signs will display the message 24-
HOUR SECURITY under the sign. On the exit ramps
Page 40
and in the rest/welcome centers, other signs with the
have been installed.
Georgia—When it Comes to Improving
Transportation, Nobody Does it Better
Georgians for Better Transportation (GBT) received a
national award last month for their support and advo-
cacy of improved transportation. The award, known as
the Excel Award, was presented at the Annual National
Transportation Public Affairs Workshop in Minneapo-
lis, Minn. This is a joint meeting between the AASHTO
Public Affairs Subcommittee and the Transportation
Advocacy Groups from their respective states. GBT was
chosen for this prestigious award by their counterparts
from 48 states. The award is presented to the group
that has provided the most effective and dedicated sup-
port to transportation improvement in their state dur-
ing the past year.
IVHS Holds Meeting with Representatives
of HBCUs and MBEs
On September 14, Thomas A. Farrington, president of
the Input-Output Computer Services Inc. of Waltham,
Mass., and others met with FHWA Administrator Slater
and IVHS staff from FHWA, NHTSA, FTA, and IVHS-
AMERICA to discuss opportunities in the IVHS program
for minority-owned businesses (MBEs) and historically
black colleges and universities CHBCUs).
Workshop Focuses on Challenges to Integrated
Land Use/Transportation Planning
FHWA, in conjunction with FTA, the Office of the Sec-
retary of DOT, and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
sponsored a two-day workshop, “Metropolitan America
in Transition: Implications for Land Use and Transpor-
tation Planning,” in Arlington, Va, on September 9-10.
The workshop focused on the challenges to integrated
land use and transportation policy planning posed by
current metropolitan development patterns. Integration
with air quality planning was also highlighted as was
the need to address access of unemployed central city
workers to suburban jobs. A number of policy and re-
search recommendations emerged from the conference.
DOT Publishes Request
for IVHS Operational Test Proposals
DOT has issued a notice in the September 8 Federal
Register seeking offers from the public and private sec-
tors to form partnerships for participation in the IVHS
Operational Test Program. The notice identifies five
IVHS user-service areas in which the desired benefits
can be evaluated under live transportation conditions:
(1) emergency notification and personal security, (2)
automated roadside safety inspections and commercial
vehicle administrative processes, (3) travel-demand
management, (4) enroute driver advisory and traveler
services information, and (5) personalized public
transit and public travel security. DOT has given poten-
tial participants until January 6, 1994, to form partner-
ships and submit project proposals. This ensures that
proposals will be received in time for consideration for
FY 1994 federal IVHS funding.
Intermodal Technical Assistance Available
In mid-September, FHWA made available the Intermodal
Technical Assistance Activities for Transportation Plan-
ners report through its electronic bulletin board sys-
tem (FEBBS). This document identifies intermodal tech-
nical assistance activities originating with U.S. DOT that
should be of use to MPOs and state and local planners
in fulfilling their responsibilities under ISTEA and the
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Georgia DOT Holds Forum
on the Future of Transportation
On September 2, the Georgia DOT held the first of 11
regional public forums as part of its “Transportation
2000—The Vision Mission” initiative. Initiated in 1993,
Transportation 2000 is an independent advisory com-
mission initiated by GDOT. Its purpose is to look to-
ward the future and craft a vision of where Georgia’s
transportation system can and should be in the years
ahead. The commission is comprised of over 70 indi-
viduals from across the state representing government,
chambers of commerce, and environmental groups and
individuals. The purpose of the regional forums is to
gather public opinion regarding the future of transpor-
tation in the state on issues such as bicycle and pedes-
trian ways, congestion management, economic devel-
opment and tourism, energy efficiency, environmental
quality, mobility and accessibility, transportation financ-
ing, transportation safety, and rural and urban transit.
Request for Comments on the Metric
Conversion of Traffic Control Signs
On August 31, the Federal Register contained a notice—
a request for comments on Options for Coordinating
the Metric Conversion of Traffic Control Signs. The
notice contained three options for which FHWA is re-
questing comments: (1) conversion through routine sign
maintenance, (2) quick conversion, and (3) transition
with dual metric and English units. During the 60-day
comment period, the public is requested to specifically
comment on the desirability of converting signs to met-
ric, advantages and disadvantages of the option pro-
posed, and the cost implications of the three options.
First IVHS World Congress Is In the Works
Organizational meetings were held August 30-31 for the
first IVHS World Congress, “Towards an Intelligent Trans-
port System,” to be held in December 1994. The World
Congress will provide for presentation and discussion
of IVHS concepts and deployment activities, including
a major exhibition of new equipment systems and op-
erating practices. This first annual event is being directed
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Page 41
cooperatively by representatives of
public and private entities from Eu-
rope, Japan, and the United States, in-
cluding the FHWA.
MADD Issues Report Card
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
(MADD) released their annual report
card on the nation’s attempt to com-
bat drunk driving. According to the
report, while the nation has made
strides to combat drunken driving,
budget problems are hindering law
enforcement, and underage drinking
remains a widespread concern.
MADD gave the country as a whole
a “B-minus” in dealing with the
drunken driving problem while ac-
knowledging that the number of traf-
fic fatalities involving alcohol has
declined by nearly one-third over the
past decade. MADD evaluated each
state on how well it has dealt with
drunk driving, including budgeting,
legislation, enforcement and dealing
with victims. The percentage rates
shown in the list to the right indi-
cate the rate of fatal accidents in 1992
that were alcohol-related.
DOT Recommends Cuts
for National Performance
DOT recently made 23 recommen-
dations in the National Performance
Review. Those recommendations
represent a savings of $36.4 billion
for fiscal years 1995 through 1999.
FHWA recommended several ways
to improve existing DOT resources,
* Automate administrative require-
ments for federal-aid highway
projects. This would reduce the
paperwork and staff time need-
ed to complete forms and other
Page 42
State Grade Percent
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
—Associated Press
* Require the Office of Motor Carri-
ers to improve program effective-
ness and reduce travel cost by
allowing regional managers to
assign field staff to highly concen-
trated areas of motor carriers.
- Eliminate funding for highway
demonstration projects by allow-
ing projects to compete at the state
level for the limited highway
resources available and not be
singled out for special treatment
at the federal level.
—Women’s Transportation Seminar
USGS Produces Book
on Aggregates and America’s
Natural Aggregate: Building
America’s Future has recently been
published by the US. Geological Sur-
vey (USGS) as part of its “Public Is-
sues in Earth Science” series. The
book, which is available free of
charge from USGS, presents an over-
view of aggregates that outlines the
dependence of society on them for
uses such as construction and public
works projects. “This book does an
outstanding job in describing aggre-
gates distribution and the issues of
zoning, government relations, land
use, reclamation, transportation, and
infrastructure needs for the next de-
cade,” said Vincent P. Ahern Jr., presi-
dent of the National Aggregates
Association. Copies of the book can
be ordered from the USGS Map Dis-
tribution, Box 25286, Building 810,
Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO
—National Aggregates Association
The following new research studies reported by the
Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of
Research and Development are sponsored in whole or
in part with federal highway funds. For further
details on a particular study, please contact
Richard Richter, (703) 285-2134.
NCP Category A—Highway Safety
A.3: Highway Safety Information Management
Title: Evaluation of Exposure Data Sources for
Highway Safety Issues
Objective: The objectives are to: (1) identify and priori-
tize the current highway safety issues and their expo-
sure data needs, (2) identify and review the existing
exposure data sources, emerging exposure data sources,
and innovative approaches for acquiring the exposure
data, and (3) analyze a high-priority safety issue using
traditional and non-traditional exposure data sources
in innovative ways and/or newly identified data sources.
Contractor: University of Michigan
Expected Completion Date: December 1995
Estimated Cost: $321,605
A.5: Highway Safety Design Practices and
Title: Vehicle Dynamics Programs for Roadway
and Roadside Studies
Objective: The objective is to obtain research directed
at (1) developing vehicle dynamics model(s) (VDM) best
suited to the FHWA on-going research program on the
safety of roadside design elements, and (2) developing
an appropriate computing environment, including data
bases and links to other programs, required to utilize
the VDM(s) in solving these problems. Two contracts
were let for this purpose. In this contract, a computer
symbolic multibody program, AUTOSIM, will be used
to incorporate features of other vehicle dynamics pro-
grams into the vehicle dynamics codes to be developed
for FHWA applications.
Contractor: University of Michigan
Expected Completion Date: August 1995
Estimated Cost: $373,319
Title: Vehicle Dynamics Programs for Roadway
and Roadside Studies: STI
Objective: Same as previous study. This is one of two
contracts let to meet this objective. In this contract,
VDANL, a program that has been extensively validated
for level surface applications, will be revised to serve
FHWA applications.
Contractor: Systems Technology Inc.
Expected Completion Date: June 1995
Estimated Cost: $313,790
A study of human factors research on older drivers is
being conducted.
A.6: Human Factors for Highway Safety
Title: Synthesis of Human Factors Research on
Older Drivers and Highway Safety
Objective: This is a review of all the research results
completed under the older driver high-priority area and
an investigation of other relevant research findings. The
results will be synthesized into a format appropriate
for inclusion in a handbook for use by highway de-
signers. The research report will also specify how the
findings can be used and what additional research is
Contractor: Scientex
Expected Completion Date: September 1995
Estimated Cost: $282,723
NCP Category B—Traffic Operations/
Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems
B.3: Commercial Vehicle Operations
Title: Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management
and Information Systems
Objective: The objective is to identify fleet management
problems and needs that can be addressed through
advanced technologies and that warrant public sector
involvement. The feasibility of current and potential
technologies to address fleet management needs will
be assessed, and requirements will be developed as
appropriate. Operations to be examined include: vehicle
dispatch, routing, equipment tracking, driver schedul-
ing, maintenance management, administration of inter-
state shipping, movement of urban goods, intermodal
operations, and public services such as road mainte-
nance, trash pickup, and fire and ambulance services.
Contractor: Cambridge Systematics
Expected Completion Date: June 1995
Estimated Cost: $405,461
Page 43
B.4: Advanced Vehicle Control Systems
Title: Automated Highway System—Health
Objective: This study is one of 15 parallel analyses that
will provide DOT and others in the [VHS community
with a realistic range and AHS configurations and a
better understanding of AHS applications, technology,
design, deployment, operations, and practicality. These
studies, called AHS Precursor Systems Analyses, are each
of one-year duration so that the results will be avail-
able during the process of defining and evaluating al-
ternative system concepts.
Contractor: Honeywell
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $891,993
Title: Lateral and Longitudinal Control
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems Analy-
ses, and it will define and analyze AHS requirements
for lateral and longitudinal maneuverability on the AHS
roadway to ensure system safety and operational effi-
Contractor: SRI International
Expected Completion Date: November 1994
Estimated Cost: $228,878
Title: Lateral and Longitudinal Control
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems
Contractor: Martin Marietta Corporation
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $313,404
Title: Precursor Systems Analyses of
Automated Highway Systems (A-P)
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems
Contractor: Delco Electronics Corporation
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $3,009,712
Title: Precursor Systems Analyses of AHS (L)
Objective: This study covers urban and rural AHS analy-
sis, AHS roadway deployment analysis, AHS entry/exit
implementation, and preliminary cost/benefit factors
Contractor: University of California
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $942,783
Title: Precursor Systems Analyses of AHS
Objective: This study covers commercial and transit AHS
analysis, the institutional issues that affect the deploy-
ment and operation of AHS systems, and societal issues
and risks faced by the AHS program.
Contractor: BDM Federal Inc.
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $499,658
Title: Precursor Systems Analyses of AHS (F)
Objective: This study covers urban and rural AHS com-
parison, automated check-in, automated check-out, lat-
eral and longitudinal control analysis, malfunction man-
agement and analysis, commercial and transit AHS analy-
sis, comparable systems analysis, AHS roadway deploy-
ment analysis, impact of AHS on surrounding non-AHS
roadways, AHS entry/exit implementation, AHS road-
way systems impact, AHS safety issues, institutional and
societal aspects, and preliminary cost/benefit factors
Contractor: Calspan Corporation
Expected Completion Date: November 1994
Estimated Cost: $3,054,137
Title: Precursor Systems Analysis of
Automated Construction, Maintenance, and
Operational Requirements for AHS
Objective: This study covers the identification and analy-
sis of urban and rural AHS roadway operational issues
and risks for each of the representative system con-
figurations. -
Contractor: University of California
Expected Completion Date: July 1994
Estimated Cost: $144,038
Title: Automated Highway Systems (J)
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems
Contractor: Raytheon
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $1,789,994
Title: Automated Check-In
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems Analy-
ses. This study will identify and analyze the require-
ments associated with ensuring that a vehicle and its
operator are qualified and safe for entry onto the AHS
roadway. Issues and risks will be identified and ana-
lyzed, and the implications for each of the representa-
tive system configurations will be discussed.
Contractor: Northrop Corporation
Expected Completion Date: August 1994
Estimated Cost: $208,368
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Page 44
Title: Activities D, E,& L for Automated
Highway Systems
Objective: This is one of the Precursor Systems Analy-
ses. This study covers lateral and longitudinal control
analysis, malfunction management and analysis, and
vehicle operational analysis.
Contractor: Rockwell International
Expected Completion Date: October 1994
Estimated Cost: $623,451
B.8: IVHS Research Centers of Excellence
Title: [VHS Research Centers of Excellence
Objective: The objective is to develop internationally
recognized, university-based research centers that will
aggressively develop and implement activities that ad-
vance the state of the art in Intelligent Vehicle-High-
way Systems. Three universities were awarded
multiyear contracts for up to $1 million per year each
to establish and operate the centers.
Contractor: Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M
University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni-
versity, University of Michigan
Expected Completion Date: September 1997
Estimated Cost: $15,000,000
NCP Category E—Materials and
E.2: Cement and Concrete
Title: Fast-Track Paving: Concrete Temperature
Control and Traffic Opening Criteria for
Bonded Concrete Overlays
Objective: This study will evaluate existing information
on the control of concrete temperature during curing
for portland cement concrete pavement construction
and also on monitoring of bond and bond-strength cri-
teria for the opening to traffic of newly constructed
bonded concrete overlays. The study will also develop
guidelines in these two areas.
Contractor: Transtec Inc.
Expected Completion Date: March 1996
Estimated Cost: $498,712
NCP Category H—R&D Management
and Coordination
H.6: Other
Title: Ruggedness Testing in Accordance with
ASTM Standard Practice C1067-87 on the SHRP
Binder Specification Tests
Objective: This is a screening program that detects the
sources of variation in a test method.
Contractor: Pennsylvania Transportation Institute
Expected Completion Date: March 1994
Estimated Cost: $22,000
Page 45
The following are brief descriptions of selected publi-
cations recently published by the Federal Highway
Administration, Office of Research and Development
(RED). The Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D includes the Structures Division,
Pavements Division, Materials Division, and Long-Term
Pavement Performance Division. The Office of Safety
and Traffic Operations RGD includes the Intelligent
Vehicle-Highway Systems Research Division, Design
Concepts Research Division, and Information and
Behavioral Systems Division. All publications are
available from the National Technical Information
Service (NTIS). In some cases, limited copies of publi-
cations are available from the R&T Report Center.
When ordering from NTIS, include the PB number
(or publication number) and the publication title.
Address requests to:
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
Requests for items available from the R&T Report
Center should be addressed to:
Federal Highway Administration
R&T Report Center, HRD-11
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, Virginia 22101-2296
Telephone: (703) 285-2144
Blowup of a Concrete Pavement Adjoining a
Rigid Structure.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-90-11.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
The main cause of concrete pavement blowups are axial
compression forces induced into the pavement by a
rise in temperature and moisture. Previous analyses were
based on the notion that blowups are caused by lift-off
buckling of the pavement. The cases analyzed were: (1)
continuously reinforced concrete pavement and (2)
concrete pavement weakened by a traverse joint or
crack. This report is an analysis of another case—a long
continuously reinforced concrete pavement adjoining
a rigid structure like a bridge abutment. The analysis is
similar to the ones described above. The resulting for-
mulation is non-linear. The obtained results are evalu-
ated numerically and are compared with those of a
long continuously reinforced pavement to show the
effect of the rigid structure on the pavement response.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-227924;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
The Assessment of Concrete Pavement
Blowups—A User Manual.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-91-056.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
This manual is based on the analyses of pavement blow-
ups presented in 1984 and in 1989. It may be divided
into three parts. The first part reviews briefly the vari-
ous early attempts to clarify the blowup phenomenon
and describes the blowup mechanism, the adopted cri-
terion of the “safe temperature increase,” and the out-
line of the analytical methodology on which this manual
is based. The second part contains the analytical ex-
pressions for the solutions of three problems shown,
the description of the steps for the numerical evalua-
tion as well as a list of the used pavement parameters,
and the graphical presentation of the obtained results.
Part three contains a discussion of the practical impli-
cations of the presented results for concrete pavement
design as well as for assessing pavement blowups after
years of service, a presentation of a number of specific
examples, and suggestions for full-scale tests for the
determination of the identified pavement parameters.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-109287;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Design, Construction, and Quality Control
Guidelines for Stress-Laminated Timber Bridge
Publication No. FHWA-RD-91-120.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
Under the US. National Timber Bridge Initiative Pro-
gram, sponsored by Congress in 1989 and administered
by the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, approximately 130 modern timber bridges are
currently in service in 41 participating states. Most of
these bridges use stress-lamination technology. Consid-
erable research on stress-lamination technology has been
completed and has provided design, construction, and
inspection guidelines for timber bridge decks. Guide-
lines for the design of stress-laminated timber decks
have been published by AASHTO, but they do not pro-
vide comprehensive information on materials, construc-
tion, and inspection. Therefore, this document presents:
(1) background information on timber bridge materials
and quality control, (2) a comprehensive step-by-step
design procedure based on the 1991 AASHTO Guide
Specification, and (3) guidelines for construction, field
monitoring, inspection, and maintenance procedures.
Potential fabrication problems are discussed, and an
inspection checklist is included. This publication is part
of a collection of three booklets for the study “Educa-
tion and Technology Transfer,” under the Timber Bridge
Research Program. The other two booklets are: FH WA-
RD-92-044, Corrosion Protection of Steel Hardware Used
Page 46
Michael Ritter, U.S. Forest Service
in Modern Timber Bridges, and FHWA-RD-93-024, Tim-
ber Substructures for Bridge Applications.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-108768;
the cost is $19.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
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The Piney Creek Bridge is a stress-laminated timber
bridge in Richland Center, Wisc.
Corrosion Protection of Steel Hardware Used
in Modern Timber Bridges.
Publication No. FH WA-RD-92-044.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
Corrosion of steel components and connectors used in
timber bridges can cause structural damage and failure.
The steel hardware is usually exposed to corrosive en-
vironments, and therefore, inadequate corrosion pro-
tection and favorable conditions for galvanic reactions
can promote the onset of corrosion and lead to unex-
pected failures. In particular, the steel-stressing system
and special connectors used in modern timber bridges,
such as stress-laminated and glue-laminated systems,
must be adequately protected against corrosion and
inspected frequently. The objectives of this booklet are:
(1) to familiarize the bridge engineer with the steel com-
ponents and fasteners used in timber bridges that may
corrode and with the types of corrosion that may oc-
cur on those components, and (2) to recommend cor-
rosion prevention measures (galvanizing and epoxy
coating) applied to the steel components and to pro-
vide inspection guidelines for quality control and
inservice maintenance of these components. A simple
explanation of the corrosion mechanism and its causes
is presented, followed by a detailed discussion of the
quality control and inspection of galvanized and ep-
oxy-coated steel articles. The inspector is alerted to
potential corrosion treatment problems (e.g, hydrogen
embrittlement) that must be avoided. Checklists are
provided for quality control of treated steel articles and
inservice maintenance of steel components in timber
bridges. This publication is part of a set of three book-
lets for the study “Education and Technology Trans-
fer,” under the Timber Bridge Research Program. The
other two booklets are: FHWA-RD-91-120, Design, Con-
struction, and Quality Control Guidelines for Stress-Lami-
nated Timber Bridge Decks, and FH WA-RD-93-024, Tim-
ber Substructures for Bridge Applications.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-109154;
the cost is $19.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Drilled Shafts for Bridge Foundations.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-92-004.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
This study examined drilled shafts for bridge founda-
tions in soil and water environments where, histori-
cally, engineers have been reluctant to specify the use
of drilled shafts because of their concern for possible
undetected construction defects. The major objectives
of this study were to evaluate existing nondestructive
testing techniques for identifying defects and/or results
of adverse downhole conditions that impact the load
settlement behavior and to develop a pilot acceptance
criteria for drilled shafts containing defects. The study
included the construction of a total of 20 drilled shafts
with and without defects for different soil sites located
in California and Texas. The shafts were constructed
using different techniques: dry construction and wet
construction using water, controlled bentonite slurry,
and controlled polymer slurry. Five instrumented shafts
were statically load-tested, and all shafts were dynami-
cally load-tested to correlate with static results. All shafts
were tested nondestructively using both surface reflec-
tion and direct transmission techniques, and the results
are summarized and evaluated in the report. The pilot,
allowable defect criteria consider the design basis, the
ratio of design stress to a maximum code allowable, the
type of stress, the level of quality control, and the risk
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-114550;
the cost is $44.50 for a paper copy or $17.50 for the re-
port on microfiche.
Asphalt Mixtures Containing Chemically
Modified Binders.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-92-101.
by Office of Engineering and Highway
Operations R&D
The properties of a mixture containing an AC-20 con-
trol asphalt binder were compared to mixtures where
the binder was modified with either: (1) 15 percent
chromium trioxide (CrO3), (2) 6.0 percent maleic anhy-
dride (MAH), or (3) 0.75 percent furfural. Penetration
eee eel
Page 47
and viscosity data of binders recovered from the four
mixtures indicated that the three chemically modified
binders should be stiffer at high pavement tempera-
tures and softer at low pavement temperatures com-
pared to the AC-20 control asphalt after mixing and
compaction. The primary measurements for evaluating
the susceptibility to rutting were the permanent strains
from a creep test. The three chemically modified bind-
ers decreased these strains by an average of 25 percent.
However, this difference was not statistically significant
because of the high variability of the test data. The
three chemically modified mixtures had improved low
temperature properties down to approximately -16 °C
(3.2 °F) based on diametral
test results. All four mix-
tures had equivalent test
results below this tem-
perature. The MAH-modi-
fied mixture passed both
engineering tests used to
evaluate moisture suscep-
tibility. The CrOs, furfural,
and AC-20 control mix-
tures each failed at least
one of the tests. The AC-
20 control mixture had a
high amount of visual
stripping, while all three
modified mixtures show-
ed no visual stripping. It
was concluded that the
poor engineering test re-
sults shown by the CrO3-
and furfural-modified
mixtures were related to a loss of cohession rather than
a loss of adhesion. When the data for the three modi-
fied mixtures were compared to each other, very few
differences were found in any of their test properties.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-227700;
the cost is $19.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Vehicle Impact Simulation Technology
Advancement (VISTA): Planning Document.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-92-111.
by Office of Safety and Traffic Operations R&D
The VISTA Planning Document provides details on the
development of a powerful, versatile, user-friendly ve-
hicle impact/handling simulation model. The model uses
the general-purpose finite element codes, DYNA3D/
NIKE3D, developed by the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. A three-part program is discussed. Part Lis a
demonstration phase and is planned to take one and
one-half (1 1/2) years. During this phase, both the ve-
hicle handling (real-time and NIKE3D) and the vehicle
impact (DYNA3D) computer code enhancements will
Despite the use of warning signs, truck rollover on
curved exit ramps is still a significant problem.
be executed and validated against experimental test data
using a developed vehicle model, roadside safety struc-
ture mode, and terrain mode. Part II expands the work
of Part I. All vehicle handling and vehicle impact/crash
code developments work will be completed. All vehicle
models, roadside safety structure
models, and terrain models will
be developed. Part III completes
the validation of the vehicle han-
dling and vehicle impact/crash
code developments and the user-
friendly, man-machine interface.
The NTIS number for this
publication is PB94-113628;
the cost is $19.50 for a
paper copy or $9 for the
report on microfiche.
Feasibility of an
Automatic Truck
Warning System.
Publication No.
by Office of Safety
and Traffic
Operations R&D
One type of truck accident
that occurs on curved exit
ramps at interchanges is
truck rollover. A truck will
overturn if the lateral accel-
eration imposed upon it as
it travels around a curve of
a certain radius and superelevation is greater than
allowable for a given level of load. Also, there is a speed
at which rollover will occur. This report deals with an
automatic warning system to prevent truck rollover.
Within the study, three different options were identi-
fied and evaluated for feasibility. Of the three, the op-
tion selected for further definition and cost-effective-
ness analyses was an inroad detection/warning system.
The system consists of two detection stations upstream
of the curve with the combined ability to detect truck
speed, weight, and height threshold. The warning sys-
tem is a combination of a static warning sign and a
fiber-optic warning message sign that would be acti-
vated if the controller determined that the truck would
be operating at the rollover threshold speed or faster
by the time it reached the point of curvature. This re-
port provides the details of the design, its costs, and its
cost-effectiveness. Also, design plans and specifications
were prepared for three installations on the Capital
Beltway in Maryland and Virginia.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-112075;
the cost is $19.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
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Page 48
See ee a
Minimum Retroreflectivity Requirements for
Traffic Signs: Summary Report.
Publication No. FHWA-RD-93-152.
by Office of Safety and Traffic Operations R&D
Currently, national guidelines regarding the nighttime
visibility of signs are limited to the stipulation in the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets
and Highways (MUTCD) that all warning and regula-
tory signs be illuminated or reflectorized to show the
same color and shape by day or night. There are no
objective measures that can be used to determine when
a sign has reached the end of its service life and needs
to be replaced. This study seeks to fill that need by
establishing minimum retroreflectivity requirements for
traffic signs. Given the wide range of visual, cognitive,
and psychomotor capabilities of the driving population
and the complexity of the relationships between driver,
vehicle, sign, and roadway, a mathematical modeling
approach was selected. The model determines the dis-
tance at which a driver needs to see a sign, uses this
distance to determine the luminance required, and then
calculates the coefficient of retroreflection at standard
measurement angles. This model is called Computer
Analysis of Retroreflectance of Traffic Signs (CARTS).
The CARTS model was executed for each sign in the
MUTCD at various vehicle speeds, sign sizes, and sign
placements. The results are summarized and presented
in a format that can be implemented by practitioners.
Retroreflectivity values are given for yellow and or-
ange warning signs, white-on-red regulatory signs, white
regulatory signs, and white-on-green guide signs.
The NTIS number of this publication is PB94-111945;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
The following are brief descriptions of selected items
that have been completed recently by state and fed-
eral highway units in cooperation with the Office of
Technology Applications and the Office of Research
and Development, Federal Highway Administration.
Some items by others are included when they are of
special interest to highway agencies. All publications
are available from the National Technical Informa-
tion Service (NTIS). In some cases, limited copies of
publications are available from the R&T Report
When ordering from NTIS, include the PB number
(or publication number) and the publication title.
Address requests to:
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
Requests for items available from the R&T Report
Center should be addressed to:
Federal Highway Administration
R&T Report Center, HRD-11
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, Virginia 22101-2296
Telephone: (703) 285-2144
Urban Traffic Seminar Report of Proceedings.
Publication No. FHWA-SA-91-009.
by Office of Technology Applications
This document reports on the proceedings of a semi-
nar, hosted by the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) on September 25-26, 1990, on how to improve
the transfer of traffic technology within the urban sec-
tor. The participants were experts from state and local
agencies, universities, professional associations, and pri-
vate consulting services. The objectives of the seminar
were to introduce participants to technology transfer
programs offered by FHWA, identify training programs
offered by universities and others, and generate new
ideas on how to improve the technology transfer
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-217198;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
COM624P-—Laterally Loaded Pile Analysis
Program for the Microcomputer, Version 2.0.
Publication No. FHWA-SA-91-048.
by Office of Technology Applications
The computer program, COM624P, has been developed
for use in the analysis of stresses and deflection of
piles or drilled shafts under lateral loads. The program
eee ena
Page 49
is especially written for highway engineers who wish
to run the analysis on microcomputers. The technol-
ogy on which the program is based is the widely used
p-y curve method. The program solves the equations
giving pile deflection, rotation, bending moment, and
shear by using iterative procedures because of the non-
linear response of the soil. The program provides a user-
friendly/menu-driven input and a graphics output in a
microcomputer environment. The version of COM624P
for the microcomputer was developed in 1989. Several
new features were included in the program, such as:
generation of p-y curves for rock, capability of analysis
of piles in sloping ground, improved solution for multi-
layered soils, and a variety of boundary conditions at
the pile head for selection. The current version of
COM624P (version 2.0) includes more improvements,
and a subroutine has been added to compute the ulti-
mate bending capacity and the flexural rigidity of piles.
The user documentation provides detailed information
to enable the user to employ the program conveniently
and effectively. The documentation consists of three
parts: Part I, Users Guide; Part II, Engineering Back-
ground; and Part III, Systems Maintenance.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-108305;
the cost is $61 for a paper copy or $19.50 for the report
on microfiche.
Design of Bridge Deck Drainage, Hydraulic
Engineering Circular 21.
Publication No. FHWA-SA-92-010.
by Office of Technology Applications
The manual provides guidelines and procedures for
designing bridge deck drainage systems. Should the
design process indicate a drainage system is needed,
utilization of the most hydraulically efficient and main-
tenance-free system is emphasized. The manual also
stresses the advantages of designing to minimize the
complexity of bridge deck drainage systems. Integra-
tion of practical drainage details into overall structural
design is presented. For the user’s convenience, all de-
sign graphs and nomographs appear in an appendix.
The manual is a compendium of bridge drainage de-
sign guidance. It includes design theory, step-by-step
design procedures, and illustrative examples. Drainage
system design is approached from the viewpoints of
hydraulic capacity, traffic safety, structural integrity, prac-
tical maintenance, and architectural aesthetics. System
hardware components, such as inlets, pipes, and down-
spouts, are described. Guidance for selecting a design
gutter spread and flood frequency are provided. Sys-
tem details and existing computer models are discussed.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-109584;
the cost is $27 for a paper copy or $12.50 for the report
on microfiche.
An Evaluation of Granular Overlays in
Washington State.
Publication No. FHWA-SA-92-042.
by Office of Technology Applications
Granular overlays have been used by the Washington
State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for about
30 years. Since the mid-1980s and along with the full
implementation of WSDOT Pavement Management
System (WSPMS), WSDOT has been examining the per-
formance of granular overlays. WSDOT believes that
the performance of this rehabilitation treatment is bet-
ter than one might reasonably expect. Although WSDOT
occasionally required the preexisting surfacing (often
several bituminous surface treatment (BST) layers) be
scarified prior to placement of the crushed rock layer,
this practice is not supported by this research.
This study examined granular overlays by using three
different techniques. First, previous research on the
behavior of confined crushed rock layers was studied.
Through these studies, information was sought concern-
ing the stiffness that has been found in crushed rock
layers, what can be done to improve the crushed rock
layer, and the problems that have been encountered in
working with confined, crushed rock layers. Next, the
usable life of the granular overlay was compared with
that of other types of pavement resurfacing, including
asphalt concrete overlays and BST. Finally, the granular
overlays were tested to determine their properties and
to measure the effect of different designs on their per-
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-210102;
the cost is $27 for a paper copy or $12.50 for the report
on microfiche.
Crumb Rubber Modifier Workshop Notes.
Publication No. FHWA-SA-93-011.
by Office of Technology Applications
FHWA, the asphalt paving industry, academia, technol-
ogy transfer centers, and state highway agencies devel-
oped a two-day workshop on crumb rubber modifier
(CRM) technology. Experts in asphalt paving and CRM
technology prepared this document to support the
workshop. Workshops were held in February and March
of 1993 at seven locations across the country. More than
1400 engineers, contractors, and interested individuals
attended the workshops.
This document is a comprehensive overview of the
design procedures and construction practices for CRM
technology. The CRM technology encompasses any use
of scrap tire rubber in asphalt paving materials. The
workshop notes begin with an overview of national
and state legislation. The production of CRM material
is described in detail and the history/description of
individual technologies are discussed. The majority of
the document focuses on cost factors, guidelines for
Page 50
specifications, pavement applications, binder design,
mixture design, and construction practices.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-217297;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Guidelines for Evaluating Fluorescent Strong
Yellow-Green Crossing Signs.
Publication No. FH WA-SA-93-035.
by Office of Technology Applications
This manual was prepared to assist states and local high-
way agencies in conducting field studies to determine
the effects of fluorescent strong yellow-green crossing
signs on motorist behavior at crossings for pedestrians,
bicyclists, and school children. These guidelines were
developed to use existing personnel and equipment with
a modest time expenditure. A before-and-after study
with comparative site experimental design is recom-
mended for the effectiveness evaluation. Field data col-
lection using two observers and readily available, inex-
pensive equipment is suggested.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-219053;
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Traffic Models Overview Handbook.
Publication No. FH WA-SA-93-050.
by Office of Technology Applications
This handbook provides an overview of a number of
traffic models used to optimize traffic signal timing
mainly for arterials and networks and to evaluate traf-
fic operations and geometric design plans for intersec-
tions, arterials, urban street networks, and freeways.
These simulation models encompass both macroscopic
and microscopic models, including PASSER II, TRANSYT-
SOAP, TIMACS, and FREQ. The purpose of the hand-
book is to provide transportation professionals with
information so that they may decide if a particular traf-
fic model would be suitable for their applications and
how much effort and resources would be required to
apply the model effectively.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-111879;
the cost is $52 for a paper copy or $19.50 for the report
on microfiche.
Ice Detection and Highway Weather
Information Systems —Summary Report Test
and Evaluation Project 011.
Publication No. FH WA-SA-93-053.
by Office of Technology Applications
During the past 20 years, a number of state highway
agencies have installed ice detection and highway
weather information systems. Their evaluations have
addressed the performance of the system equipment—
not its usefulness, effects on highway safety, and cost-
savings aspects. This project was initiated in 1988 with
the objective of documenting the usefulness of ice de-
tection and highway weather information systems in
maintaining highway safety during winter weather and
reducing salt or winter chemical and personnel needs
for snow and ice control. A total of eight cooperating
agencies participated and evaluated their systems over
the winter of 1989-90. Participants’ experiences during
this evaluation showed that proactive use of ice detec-
tion and highway information systems to aid in plan-
ning winter maintenance operations can reduce per-
sonnel, material, and equipment needs; reduce the po-
tential for accidents due to icing conditions; and reduce
the amount of corrosive or environmentally harmful
chemicals used for snow/ice control.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB93-228088;,
the cost is $17.50 for a paper copy or $9 for the report
on microfiche.
Demonstration Project No. 93: Traffic Control
Equipment and Software, Participant’s
Publication No. FHWA-SA-93-061.
by Office of Technology Applications
This Participant’s Notebook was developed as a train-
ing and reference aid for the Traffic Signal Equipment
and Software Workshop. The notebook is organized to
reflect the material presented in each of the two-day
sessions. The workshop is designed to provide partici-
pants (traffic signal systems engineers and technicians)
with information and an opportunity to discuss and
operate examples of the state-of-the-art traffic signal
technology and equipment on the market today. The
notebook covers the role and impact of traffic control
systems, the resources and maintenance requirements
for traffic control systems, the concept of the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association’s standards and the
Model 170 traffic signal controller unit specifications,
controller input and output devices—ie., detectors, time
switches, time base coordinators, conflict monitors, flash-
ers, isolators, load switches, test equipment,
uninterruptible power supply, suppression device, com-
munication techniques, closed-loop systems, central-
ized signal systems, and signal timing software—and
emerging traffic control and Intelligent Vehicle-High-
way Systems technologies. This notebook also supple-
ments the hands-on demonstration portion of the work-
shop, in which participants learn to operate 25 interac-
tive technologies supplied by traffic equipment manu-
facturers and systems software firms.
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-106978;
the cost is $36.50 for a paper copy or $17.50 for the re-
port on microfiche.
TT ii
Page 51
Construction Quality Management for
Managers (Demonstration Project 89).
Publication No. FH WA-SA-93-071.
by Office of Technology Applications
This student workbook accompanies presentation of
the two-day workshop, “Construction Quality Manage-
ment for Managers,” sponsored under FHWA Demon-
stration Project 89, “Quality Management.” This work-
shop was developed as an overview for managers from
federal, state, and local governments and from private
industry on the concepts of quality control/quality as-
surance. Topics discussed included a top management
module, implementation, statistical concepts, elements
of a quality assurance program, and specifications over-
view. Much of the material contained in this workbook
is also presented in the National Highway Institute
course, “Materials Control and Acceptance-Quality As-
surance” (NHI Course 13442).
The NTIS number for this publication is PB94-108834;
the cost is $27 for a paper copy or $17.50 for the report
on microfiche.
Public Roads is soliciting articles and input in the form of
feature articles, technical articles, information for the “Along
the Road” department, reader feedback, and suggestions con-
cerning story ideas to be developed. Feature articles should
deal with surface transportation issues and topics in the
following general categories: significant technological ad-
vancements and innovations, important activities and
achievements, specific program areas, and general interest
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developments or new research that makes a significant con-
tribution to the body of knowledge.
Before you spend a great deal of time developing and
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The new Public Roads attempts to communicate
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Provide a list of all photographs, tables, figures, and other
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Submit a brief biography of the author(s) with the
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Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
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Page 52
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The new bridge spanning the Yellowstone River northwest of Pine Creek, Mont., was designed to harmonize with the
surrounding natural beauty. Additionally, sharp curves in the approach roadway at both ends of the bridge were
eliminated by skewing the new bridge 35° to the flow; the old bridge crossed the river at about 90° to the flow. Traffic
consists primarily of local residents, tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park, and recreational fishermen fishing
the Yellowstone River.
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